Goodbye Alex

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Meredith's pov:
I still cannot believe I lost my best friend. I have lost all of my people. Family, friends... Everything... Also, I feel very bad for Jo. She has been crying for three days straight but I get it. I lost the love of my life too. She only slept for 2 hours yesterday. I think she is going back to depression and especially if she won't get the baby. Poor Jo.

Jo's pov:
I feel so sad. Whenever I sleep, Alex comes and he talks to me and then we hug each other but I wake up crying. Tomorrow is Alex's funeral. It will be the last time I will ever see him. Also,a while ago my lawyer called me to give me some information about the adoption of the baby. If I adopt him, I will name him Alexander Michael Karev but I haven't told anyone about it.

~The next  day~
Jo's pov:
Today is the funeral. We're heading to the cemetery. When we arrived many people were there. Bailey, Webber, Amelia and all the doctors of the hospital that were really close to him. There were also his mother, Amber, and Aaron. Alex seemed like he was sleeping so peacefully. I touched his hands and kissed him on the forehead and stroke his hair. I was crying so much. Meredith came and hugged me and made me seat somewhere. An hour later,  we went to Meredith's house. I was sitting on the couch holding the baby and thinking what happened earlier. Suddenly, my lawyer called me and told me that it's very possible to adopt baby Alex. Later when everybody left, I sat with the baby and started talking to him.

Jo: "Hello baby. How are you? I want you to know that your dad Alex loves you so much even though he's not here. And I love you too. You are the cutest baby in the world. I love you Alex."
I gave Alex to Meredith and ran to the bathroom. I wanted to throw up so I did. I guess I know what that means. I might be pregnant.
Meredith: "Jo. Are you ok?"
Jo: "I think I'm p-pregnant."
Meredith: "What? When did that happened?"
Jo: "Alex and I were trying to make a baby. I guess I am pregnant now."
Meredith: "I have a pregnancy test in the cabinet. Go take it."
Jo: "Ok."
I took the test.
Meredith: "So? What does it say?"
Jo: "I'm pregnant. I'm having a baby."

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