The adoption

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Next morning:
Jo's pov:
I woke up at 6:00 today and since I couldn't fall back asleep, I got up and fed baby Alex and then I went to make breakfast for everyone. Today is Sunday. That means that it's waffle Sunday today. Alex loved Sundays because of that reason. I really hope he can see us from where he is. Anyway, I started making pancakes, waffles, sandwiches and all the things that people eat for breakfast. I want to thank them for helping with everything but I don't know how, so making them breakfast means something. When I finished prepping the breakfast, I sat on the couch and started talking to the baby.
Jo: "Good morning little baby. How are you? I can't wait to meet you and see your perfect face. I love you so much!"
Suddenly, the phone rang. It was my lawyer.
Jo: "Good morning mrs. Greene. How are you?"
Mrs Greene: "Good morning Jo. I'm really well. I have great news to tell you. When can I come over?"
Jo: "I'm actually free now. If you like, you can come."
Mrs Greene: "Ok, I won't bother you much. I'll be there in 10."
10 minutes later the bell rang.
Jo: "Hi! Welcome, come in!"
Mrs. Greene: "Good morning Jo! Where's baby Alex?"
Jo: "Upstairs in his crib. Do you want me to bring him?"
Mrs Greene: " Yes. That would be nice."
I went upstairs and brought Alex.
Jo: "There he is! Do you want to hold him?"
Mrs. Greene: "Of course I want! Mmm.. something smells nice."
Jo: "Yes. I made breakfast. Would you like some?"
Mrs Greene: "No thank you. Besides I've just eaten. Now, I have to tell you something. I have some papers. These papers contain Alex's  biological parents' signatures. That means that you have to sign too and Alex will be yours."
Jo: "What!? Do you mean that his parents agree to give Alex to me?"
Mrs Greene: "Exactly. He's all yours."
I signed the final papers and then my lawyer left. Suddenly, Atticus came.
Atticus: "Morning Jo. I heard some voices. Is everything alright?"
Jo: "Yes actually. Umm.. Baby Alex is officially my son!!! You know, my lawyer just left but she gave me some papers to sign in order to officially adopt him. I'm a mom now!!"
Atticus: "Congratulations Jo! I'm so happy for you!"
Jo: "Why did you wake up so early?"
Atticus: "Because Amelia is craving waffles."
Jo: "Then wake her up. There are many waffles in the kitchen."
A while later, everyone was awake and we enjoyed our breakfast.
Maggie: "So Jo. How's your pregnancy going so far?"
Jo: "Pretty well actually. I haven't had major symptoms yet."
Amelia: "Hey. I've just realised that we're pregnant buddies! Oh and our kids will become best friends!"
Meredith: "This is so true!"
We ate and then Meredith and I washed the dishes. Later, I went back to my room and scrolled through photos from my wedding with Alex. I remember the happiness I felt that day. I will never forget anything from our wedding. A bit later Meredith came into my room.
Meredith: "Hey. What are you doing?"
Jo: "Actually nothing. Basically I want to tell you a story. Ok. Listen. This is the third time I've been pregnant."
Meredith: "What? And what about the other two? When did those happen?
Jo: "The first one was with Paul's child. I remember the day he beat me to death and the next day I went to abort it."
Meredith: "Really? And what about the next one?"
Jo: "Well, at our honeymoon, with Alex, well, we were trying for a baby and our wishes came true. I got pregnant but I had a miscarriage at the 7th week. A week after I found out. This is one of the reasons I got depressed actually. I really wanted that baby. You are the first one of our friends to find out. I really didn't want to tell anybody."
Meredith: "Let me hug you Jo. Besides I have had a miscarriage too, while my husband was being operated."
Jo: "I want to go to the cemetery. To Alex's grave. Can we go?"
Meredith: "Ok. Let's go."
We went there and Meredith gave me some privacy.
Jo: "Alex. I love you." I said and started crying again.
Jo: "Alex. We're officially parents of baby Alexander and also I figured out that my due date is 10 days before your birthday. Wouldn't it be great to give birth on your birthday day?"
Meredith: "Sorry for interrupting you Jo. I bought some flowers for Alex. Maggie called me and said that baby Alex is crying and he won't stop. We'll come again in a few days."
Jo: "Oh. Alex. Did you hear? We have to go because our son needs me but I promise I will come back in a few days. I love you."
I put the flowers on Alex's grave and left.
Meredith: "You know, I miss him too. But I have something that I should have shown you but I am stupid so I haven't done that yet. Here. Take my cell phone and listen to Alex's voice mail."
I did as she said.
Alex: " Hey Meredith. It's Alex. I should have called Jo but I know she's sleeping right now so I'll call her later. Anyway, tell her that when I'll come back, we'll all go to a theme park just because I said it. You know, Jo has never been to a theme park before so it would be nice for her to visit one. Anyway. I gotta go! I love you all! Bye!"
Jo: "I don't understand. This was sent on the day that Alex passed. Do you mean that this was his last call ever?"
Meredith: "Yes Jo. It was. But please keep in mind that he still loves you. Ok?"
Jo: "Oh Alex."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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