Chapter 17 The King's Word and World

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The King speaks. "America I am here to give you a very important announcement, However, this message isn't just to America but the World. I have been alive only a short time but in that time I have learned so much from walking to advanced mathematics and Life as a whole living thousands of times over in second thanks to my speed. But what I have to say here is that HUMANITY IS FLAWED AND AN AWFUL SPECIES YOU HAVE DONE MORE HORRIBLE THINGS THEN I HAVE EVER SEEN ANY OTHER SPECIES EVEN TO YOURSELVES. Now why do I care and why does this matter. It's because I AM THE KING OF ALL LIFE. However, you may just call me King and effective immediately ALL WORLD POWERS AND GOVERNMENTS MUST SURRENDER TO ME AT ONCE AND THAT WAY WE CAN FIX THIS MESS OF A WORLD", King speech said. HUMANITY WAS SHOCKED, TO SAY THE LEAST, WORLD POWERS AT HOME REFUSING TO SURRENDER TO THIS SINGLE BEING. "I had a feeling this would be the reaction", King says holding up the dead President using his tail. "This is considered one of the most powerful leaders on Earth and I took him out in less than an hour I suggest you don't try to fight back I will be waiting for your response thank you", King said walking away sadly knowing he warned them but it's in human nature to fight back.

"WELL FUCK", Camron says flying fast in order to stop King. "Oh we have a visitor?", King said "CAMRON PLEASE DON'T FIGHT KING IS TO STRONG", Candy screamed worryingly. "Don't worry I got this", Camron said CHARGING AT KING BUT NOT ONLY COULD KING KEEP UP BUT HE SEEMED TO BE ABLE TO FIGHT BACK BEING VERY AGLIE AND STRONG CAMRON WAS SURPRISED BUT BY THE TIME HE NOTICED. BAM!!!!!! CAMRON WAS KNOCKED TO THE GROUND. "CHAOS MODE" CAMRON SCREAMED GETTING STRONGER NOW TAKE THIS "CHAOS BLAST!!!!!!!!!" KING ACTUALLY FELT IT BUT WITH HIS TAIL CHOKING CAMRON AND KICKING HIM TO THE GROUND KING JUST SEEMED TO STRONG AT LEAST FOR CAMRON'S CURRENT STATE. "So there are humans with special gifts beyond normal it's rather sad power like yours wasted on a failure yes I read up on you Camron not much of anything of worth You boast about destroying a galaxy and recreating it but it's nothing compared to my universal power", King said launching a powerful punch into Camron's gut and knocking him to the ground again. King seemed to be 6ft tall even now he seems to get stronger against Camron. CAMRON CREATED MANY WEAPONS BUT NOTHING SEEMED TO HURT KING AND KING AT THIS POINT ISN'T EVEN TRYING. "I was hoping I wouldn't need to do this but no option CHAOS FORM!!!!", CAMRON SCREAMED TURNING INTO THE MONSTER AND ROARED "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH ROAR OF CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSS" KING COULDN'T BELIEVE IT BUT EVEN WITH THIS NEW POWER KING WASN'T SCARED. CAMRON AND KING HIT EACH OTHER OVER AND OVER THERE FIST CLASHED AT LIGHT SPEED AND CREATED LARGE HOLES IN THE STREETS. "Good I am actually doing damage but it's still not enough", Camron thought too himself WITH A FLASH OF LIGHT BLASTING KING. KING JUMPED FROM THE SMOKE AND WITH A POWERFUL HIT TO THE FACE BOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!!! CAMRON FELL TO THE GROUND TURNING INTO HIS NORMAL FORM. "Not bad but not good enough", King said flying away. After the world seeing Camron get beat a lot of countries surrendered outright. All of North America was under King's control. 

After the fight Crepe and Candy went to King. Candy left a blanket for Camron. However, Dr.Kex couldn't follow because Edward did his own research. "TELL ME TELL ME RIGHT NOW WHAT IS THE GOAL", Edward screamed at Dr.Kex. "Ha ha ha You heroes ruined me after taking down Dynasty but after your fight with Dark Lord I was able to get some bioenergy now this isn't from Dark Lord probably an experiment of his but the point is he was a genetic perfection After a few modifications he is the king of all life the perfect being is born," Dr.Kex said. "NO THAT ISNT EVERYTHING", Edward said angrily. "Alright alright I used the 3 girls as host for the life form Cake was the only one old enough not only that she had a perfect body to hold a child. I also made sure that King would hate humanity trust me humans hate humans so just letting him out for a bit would make him think humanity is horrible and since he believes he is the king of all life. He will think as a King controlling his kingdom ha ha ha. As for the other 2 girls bodyguards of the side project, I USED ALL OF YOUR DNAS AND PROGRAM VIDEO OF YOUR FIGHTS HE IS MORE THAN I COULD EVER IMAGINE I could go on but Edward he is perfect enough power to destroy the universe itself and as you saw was even able to beat Camron. Edward your smart BUT THIS IS WHERE I WIN YOU WILL ALL DIE THIS IS MY LAST GIFT TO YOU ALL", Dr.Kex says blowing up. "He had a bomb in him just for this moment but no you didn't win. I recorded this entire interaction I'm sorry but your last attempt to beat us was in vain I will show this to him and he will stop", Edward said leaving to find King.  

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