Chapter 54 Into the Multiverse Future Part 1

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In a Universe that felt fresh and new, our Heroes seem to have arrived in a very nice spot. "Wow I lost track at how many universes we went through", Camron said. "Yeah, hopefully, we are close", Luis said. "Yeah but it was interesting to see other universes", Andre said "Um hey guys do you feel something strange", Camron said. "Like we are being watched yes", Andre said. "ALRIGHT COME OUT ALL OF YOU", Luis said. As Luis said that multiple figures showed up and to our heroes shock. As a bunch of kids show up in front of our 3 heroes seemingly ready to fight. "I don't know why you are here but if you cause any troubles then you will have to answer to THE STRIKE FORCE!", a little blasian boy said noticing his super suit looking like a combo of Goku and superman's outfits. "WAIT DID you say Strike force? WE ARE THE STRIKE FORCE I AM CAMRON I FOUNDED THE TEAM!", Camron said. "BULLSHIT My name is Camron!", Camron said. "Come on jr stop confusing them", A little white girl said wearing a sailor moon-like outfit. "CAMRON JR That is wild could you be our kids from the future by any chance", Camron asked. "CAMRON! you can't just say something like that", Luis said. "THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT", Camron jr said attacking Camron with a mystical fire fist. THE PUNCH CONNECTED CAMRON WAS SLIGHTLY TAKEN A BACK TO THE FORCE OF THE ATTACK BUT IT DIDN'T DO TOO MUCH DAMAGE. "Nice punch now my turn CREATION: RED LION FIRE FIST!!!",Camron screamed as an ATTACKED HOWEVER, Camron jr was quickly saved almost at light speed. "Andre please do not get involved", Camron said as his attack destroyed the road in front of him but missed its target. "I didn't move", Andre said. A little girl in a pink female flash and angelic designed outfit raced by moving Camron jr. CAMRON AND AN ANOTHER KID FIST CLASHED A HUGE SHOCKWAVE KNOCKED BACKWARDS EVERYONE. "ALRIGHT What seems to be the problem here", A figure in the sky said with a mighty voice. "Oh no", Camron jr said. "What who is it", Luis said. "He is my dad", Camron jr said. As Future Camron(around the early 40s in age) descends from the sky. "ok enough you all your parents will be nervous if you miss dinner", Future Camron said looking around noticing the 3 heroes. "Ah a different and apparently younger version of me from the past", Future Camron said welcomingly. "WAIT YOU KNOW US", Luis said. "Well, no details but your not the first version of us that we have seen but it should be the first for these little kids hehe", Future Camron said hugging Camron jr. "Daaaad not in front of the team", Camron jr said. "Fine fine everyone introduces yourselves properly", Adult Camron said. "Alright I am Camron Jr age 10 powers Flames of creation and superhuman condition role leader (son of Camron and Yana)", Camron jr said. "I am Isabella age 11 powers superspeed and(showing off cute angel wings) I am the Nephilim of healing role support (daughter of Andre and Gabriella)", Isabella said. "I am um Chester age 9 um powers barriers and telekinesis my role is defence (son of Luis)", Chester said wearing glasses. "Sigh I am Dwayne age 10 powers reincarnation and super strength and durability role lancer (son of Garrett)", Dwayne said. "Hello I am Elena age 11 powers super smart with ice and time stop powers my role is the brain(Daughter of Edward)", Elena said excitedly. "I am Alice age 9 my power is magic specifically magical girl powers my role is manager (Daughter of Matthew)", Alice said. "My name is Bryan age 8 my power is the weight of things my role is the treasurer (son of Uriel)", Bryan said. "I am Lily age 12 my powers are skills archer and spy basically my role is, of course, the same as my skills(daughter of Izy)", Lily said. "Is that everyone", Luis said. "Well there is Damien he should be 12 and powers are water martial arts role is backup (son of Tamia) and there is Issac who is 4 with no powers who is at home with Izy personally he would make a good backup but Izy would never allow it. And there is my lovely daughter Candy who is age 7 and she has powers of chaos and fire powers she is our trump card but Yana doesn't like her fighting", Adult Camron explained. "ok great to see our kids doing so well and even seeing Strike force continue", Camron said. "Yeah but the world is pretty much peaceful nowadays even to the point where we can retire", Adult Camron said. "True but if there was trouble we are more than ready but why are you heroes here", Camron jr said. "We are hunting a villain can you help us look for clues", Luis asked. "Sure but what villain", Camron jr asked. "It's Dark Lord he has returned", Luis said. "WHAT don't worry we will ask everyone to see if they know wnything come on kids", Future Camron asked.

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