Chapter 60 Cosmicking is Born

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Cosmicking Camron's presence was felt throughout existence it was so new that it was very intense. Camron instantly saved Matthew and Andre and went to Earth with a thought.  DARK LORD WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF FIRING OFF TONS OF DARK ELEMENTAL ENERGY FROM EVERY PART OF HIS BEING ON TO THE UNIVERSE HUMANITY WAS NOW DEFEATED AND EXISTENCE WAS NOW DARK LORD'S OWN AS HE WAS BEGINNING TO CONSUME WHAT'S LEFT OF THE MULTIVERSE AND TORTURE EARTH GETTING THE OUTER GOD KEY AND ABOUT TO OPEN THE GATE IT SEEMED LIKE THERE WAS NO HOPE. UNTIL A POWER WAS SENSED A PRESENCE THAT WAS BEYOND ANY MORTAL HAD FINALLY SHOWN ITSELF. "Dark lord it's time for you to pay for your crimes", Camron said standing before Dark lord in his Cosmicking form. "I pay nonsense you couldn't defeat me before just because your body looks different doesn't mean you can match my power", Dark lord said. "Stop", Camron said as all of time stopped. "DID YOU FORGET I am BEYOND TIME", Dark lord said continuing his attack", Dark lord said. "No, I didn't forget I just need some alone time with you now stop", Camron said making Dark lord stop in place. "HOW WHY CAN'T I MOVE", Dark lord said. "I willed it rewriting or recreating something like reality is nothing new I just have to recreate a different situation now let me undo all of your mess", Camron said restoring all of creation to before Dark lord showed up healing reviving anything and everything. "YOU BASTARD I will not let you get away with this. Is that what you are thinking", Camron saying knowing it is true. "You don't get it, Dark lord, I am the ultimate creation that stands beyond all of creation and I am the being that rules the chaotic randomness of existence. This isn't some regular power boost in this form with my creation power I have achieved a cosmic entity status on a nigh-omnipotent to omnipotent scale I can create pretty much anything from something that doesn't exist to something on or near an Omniversal or Outerversal scale. My chaos is so powerful it's almost completely random to normal beings and my bio powers have made me physically and mentally beyond anything a mortal should be able to basically perfection I even have immortality like this. In short, I have gained true omnificence which leads me to virtually being omnipotent and omniscient or omnipresent. With Chaos, I have gained all its powers even randomness and destruction my poler opposites are on my side and my bio powers pushed me to perfection. my point is your nothing but an ant to me", Camron said blasting Dark lord back with a stare. "Hey you fool I am as big as the multiverse moving me kills tons of life forms", Dark lord said recovering moving to an attack. "Nope, I moved us to a space of my own creation no lifeforms here but us. Also no", Camron said making Dark lord stop. "WHAT NOW", Dark lord said. "Why can't you move I created a law just like how normal human bodies can't move at the speed of light you can't hit me now you can't even launch an attack on me you're frozen but even if you could attack me it would do nothing watch", Camron said flicking Dark lord with his finger across space. "your size and weight is that of the multiverse and I was able to flick you like a fly", Camron said. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU", Dark lord said. "Me? I am Cosmicking Camron nice to meet you", Camron said as the space beings to warp. "WHAT'S HAPPENING NOW AND WHY CAN'T I PREDICT THE FUTURE", Dark lord said. "Simple I changed the concept of fighting a fight is now Camron(me) and his friends beating you up a thousand times over and you can't predict the future because with my chaos I am disturbing your powers to you my moves are completely random now let's being your torment", Camron said summoning his friends to beat up Dark lord. "HOW ARE THEY GOING TO BEAT ME I AM WAY MORE POWERFUL", Dark lord said. "Well you were but now your not I creation a loophole in time in which you now are as weak as you were when I first met you, in short, you went from hyperversal+ to galaxy level hehe", Camron said AS ALL OF THE HEROES BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF DARK LORD. Camron soon sent them away and fixed the fighting concept and giving Dark lord back his powers. "Now for my turn hehe", Camron said. CAMRON'S ENERGY WAS SUBSIDING WANTING A FUN FIGHT. CAMRON PUNCHED DARK LORD UPWARDS. NOW KICKING AND PUNCHING DARK LORD MORE AND MORE. "COSMIC MONKEY PALM", CAMRON SCREAMED. KNOCKING DARK LORD BACKWARDS DARK LORD TRIED FIGHTING BUT ALL HIS ATTACKS WOULD EITHER MISS OR DO NO DAMAGE AT ALL "TRULY INFINITE PUNCHES", CAMRON SAID UNLEASHING A LITERAL ENDLESS BARRAGE OF PUNCHES. "SHOOTING QUASAR ATTACK", CAMRON SCREAMED BLASTING DARK LORD. "TRUE COSMIC RED LION FIRE FIST!!!", CAMRON SCREAMED UNLEASHING A SPACE LION AT DARK LORD. AS DARK LORD'S BLOOD RAN MORE AND MORE. " COSMIC DRAGON SOUL RUSH", CAMRON SAID LAUNCHING AT DARK LORD KNOCKING HIM THROUGH PLANETS. "COSMIC KAMEHAMEHA!!!!!!!', CAMRON SCREAMED AS A SPACE LIKE BEAM BLASTED DARK LORD. "COSMIC SUN BALL BOMB", CAMRON SAID ATTACKING DARK LORD. " DARK COSMIC CHAOTIC BOMB" CAMRON SCREAMED THROWING ATTACKS AT DARK LORD. "SPACE WEAPON CREATION ATTACK", ATTACKING DARK LORD WITH WEAPONS. "COSMIC CREATURES ATTACK", CAMRON SAID SUMMONING ALL KINDS OF LIVING CREATURES ATTACKING DARK LORD AT ONCE. "COSMIC FLARE BLITZ", CAMRON SAID. "SUPER COSMIC FLARE AND CHAOS COSMIC WRATH AND ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!", CAMRON SCREAMED ATTACKING OVER AND OVER. "COSMIC BREATH", CAMRON SAID ATTACKING AGAIN. " TRUE COSMIC CREATION: BURST!!!!!!!!!", CAMRON SCREAMED OUT. "COSMIC HEADBUTT OF CREATION AND DESTRUCTION", CAMRON SCREAM TEARING THROUGH DARK LORD OVER AND OVER AGAIN. DARK LORD DIED AND WAS REVIVED MULTIPLE TIMES DURING THIS SITUATION. However, Camron was having so fun using his powers it was the happiest he been in a while and that's all that mattered to him.   

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