Chapter 67 Analysis of members(OPTIONAL)

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This chapter is just to go over what each member can do you can skip this if you understand each character's powers and such this is for people that don't remember a thing.

"Hello everyone I am your host and joining me is my co-host.", Announcer 1 said. "That's right I am Announcer 2 this is to help you all understand the heroes in this now let's go over each of them from oldest to youngest going over who they are and what their powers, however, we don't know everything about them so bear with us.", Announcer 2 said. 

"First we have Luis aka Zero. Luis is a guy filled with wonder he typically a simple and kind-hearted towards everyone but with back luck with money at least until he got a job offer that went horribly wrong. This gave Luis powers like future sight which always him to see in the future but only 1 event at a time meaning he could tell if a punch was coming from behind but not a kick coming from the sky. teleportation( he can teleport basically anywhere in a short-range so he can teleport from any room in a house but he can teleport almost endless amounts of times. However, the main power is telekinesis allowing him to move objects as big as a planet or as small as a mouse he can even do other things like use his telekinesis to work his muscles giving him super strength speed healing etc but his favourite is flying and shields and blasts these blasts can vaporise beings and his shields could cover things as big as the planet or as small as a human organ. Luis isn't all sunshine and rainbows though after being considered weak by everyone he was determined to prove he was strong and believe us he is strong. With his psycho form, this is Luis at his most uncontrollable his attacks are less focused but more fierce and dangerous. Luis, however, knew the form wasn't enough though so he has the Enlightenment Soul form which separates his mind from his body and uses it like a puppet which pushes Luis to incredible new heights even giving him like an astral giant form the size varies. Now he isn't unstoppable all of Luis can only do so much before he pushes his mind to the limit and in such situations, he gets dizzy headaches nose bleeds and even loses consciousness and his body can still be overpowered but even with this Luis is not someone to look over.", Announcer 2 explained.

"Next we have the BIG DEAD also known as Garrett the immortal... YES He is immortal because he is basically dead already he doesn't age doesn't need to eat sleep or breathe and can still be hurt and such but diseases and poisons don't exactly do anything and since he is kinda like a zombie his muscles aren't exactly a factor since feats of strength are tied to mind and body but since Garrett is technically just a soul his body can go as far as he is willing to go so in short if Garrett wants to move a planet he can move a planet by pushing it his physical capabilities are just different. You would think Garrett would be bored and he is which is why he forced a cap on himself and he did 100% and full power. You see Garrett uses a set amount of power even 5% can destroy buildings like punching paper so imagine what 100% or full power can do besides giving him get muscles, of course, he can move at super speeds and is super tough and more. Garrett has a weird relationship with the grim reaper like an apprentice or co cops hehe but it's fine since Garrett can use death's scythe which can hurt souls. It can instant kill people but only in death's hands. Erase hand this hand allows Garrett to erase 1 thing a day of a small size. With all this at his disposal, you would think Garrett can't be killed but wrong Garrett can die if his body is destroyed or completely vaporised or removing Garrett's soul. Garrett is actually surprisingly very smart to the point of seeming apathetic but is just as he would say ok. Garrett is the most neutral out of everyone but is still a good guy he just doesn't play favorites. Some say he is kinda lazy or crazy but in the end, Garrett will fight for his beliefs and win in 1 move.",  Announcer 2 explains.

" The Magic Miracle Man aka Matthew. Yes, he is magic but only because of the amulet shopping never gotten so awesome. The amulet is, of course, ancient who made it? the common answer is Merlin but the knowledge is gone now. Without the Amulet, Matthew is a normal human but with it, he is the ultimate magical force allowing him to go into a transformed state instantly and use all schools of magic 1. evocation which allows him to create and destroy and use elements(from huge lightning bolts to dark lasers to pure magic energy missiles  2. enhancement to make things stronger weaker or neutral to himself or others( from giving himself a strength boost to making incoming attacks weaker however this can only be used on one thing at a time like making himself stronger but can't make himself stronger and enemy weaker) 3. Abjuration is just protection from things like making shields or protection from poison. 4. Transmutation turn things into other things like a tree into a dog or a combo like a tree dog. 5. Divination it gets information basically increases senses communicating with others and even learning weaknesses and even telepathy 6. conjuration basically making portals and summoning things from a cute fiery to a straight-up dragon or demon or alien however he can't summon deities or beings that are sealed away because those beings choose to show up. 7.Illusions basically tricks to prank the brain like making people see things block out senses of others change perspective like making someone fear breathing. 8. Necromancy controlling the dead summoning dead armies of skeletons and ghost, however, can't control immortal beings or ones that go beyond death and more like curses etc. That's all the schools he has however he can cast spells a notable 1 is WISH he is allowed to make 1 thing happen results may vary and some beings are immune to this but it's a universal level spell and his most powerful. Well, it would be his most powerful if he didn't have God of Magic form this form makes him the actual god of magic on the level of beings like Zeus yes the greek god and higher his magic has effected crazy things like space and time. However, Matthew isn't perfect the amulet may have fused with him but it can still be removed with enough force and once it happens it's game over. Matthew is a bit neutral as well even seeming a bit too out of touch but in the end, is pretty mature if sometimes cocky and in his own head for his own good but when you really need him Matthew is there.", Announcer 1 explained.

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