Chapter 71 Hiro's Battle Royale 4

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This are currently super intense Hiro is about to face Andre's true power and Camron and Matthew are ripping apart existence with there battle. 

CAMRON AND MATTHEW HAVE BEEN BATTLING FOR MILLIONS OF YEARS THROUGH TIME AND SPACE IN MULTIPLE UNIVERSES. THERE TITANIC BATTLE DESTROYED SO MANY UNIVERSES AND THERE STILL GOING AT IT. EACH CLASH ATTACK AND STRUGGLE IS BEYOND ANY MEASUREMENT. THEY SEEM SO EVENLY MATCHED OR SO YOU WOULD THINK BUT CAMRON HAD A TRICK UP HIS SLEEVE. Camron and Matthew both were fighting at such intensity that all of creation was shaking violently. "CREATION: ALL CREATION!!!", Camron said as everything was launching at Matthew. "WISH!", Matthew said using his 1 wish to get rid of the attack. THEN THE 2 CREATED BILLIONS OF CLONES OF THEMSELVES AND FOUGHT UNTIL THERE WAS ONLY THE 2 REAL ONES LEFT. "Pointless", both said frustratingly. "CREATION- CHAOS KAMEHAMEHA!!!!!", Camron said launching the beam "Foolish FINAL MAGIC FLASH!!!", Matthew said firing back.  THE BEAMS CLASHED AND THE STRUGGLE DESTROYS A COUPLE OF MULTIVERSES AROUND THEM AND MADE A NEW ONE AROUND THEM. The 2 were stressing and blood flowed everywhere constantly healing themselves. THEY PUNCH EACH OTHER SENDING RIPPLES ACROSS THE MULTIVERSE. THEY EACH USE TRILLIONS OF POWERS TECHNIQUES AND SPELLS IT WAS EXHAUSTING FOR EACH OF THEM THROWING A MOVE AND THEN BEING COUNTERED. "You had enough yet", Matthew said. "Of course not how about you feeling the pressure especially since in my super form I get stronger the longer I'm in it.", Camron said as the 2 warriors kept fighting they are both starting to waver as it was clear of one thing and one thing only they were enjoying themselves even with the blood pain broken and beaten. "I don't care how much your power increases you can't match my God power. LET'S END THIS MAGIC MISSILES!!!", Matthew said trying to attack. "I am sorry but I have to end this CREATION BURST!!!!", Camron said as the blast engulfs Matthew as his body lands on a planet. it started to rain. "MAGIC ROD SEAL", Matthew said stabbing Camron one more time as they are both near each other the rain pours as Matthew is near Camron. "Welp looks like you won this one it's okay it was a great fight.", Matthew said gasping for air. "Yeah it was a good fight but it's okay everything will be okay I hopefully can fix everything I am sorry to you to EVERYONE I AM SO SORRY I CAN'T BELIEVE I LET ALL OF THIS HAPPEN", Camron said tearing up and putting Matthew in a pocket dimension. "I didn't want to lose you all now there is only Andre and Hiro I hope I can do something. Ugh I am too exhausted to fight Andre and I don't know if I have the stomach to kill him. Dark Chaos won't be enough but my Hyper form takes too much stamina out of me. I need a moment to get myself ready. I am sorry everyone just wait a little longer.", Camron said resting up his energy before he takes action.

Meanwhile back on Earth. "What the hell", Hiro said shocked at the jump in power. Hiro had that same feeling when he fought Camron all that time ago. Seeing such an overwhelming force in front of him brought out something inside of him a deep unrivaled unbearable fear. HIRO WAS TREMBLING AS ANDRE WALKED CLOSER. "NO NO NO I CAME SO FAR IT CAN'T END HERE NO STAY AWAY!!!!", Hiro screamed throwing a giant blade and tons of desperate energy blast all were easily dodged by Andre. Andre moving at unnoticeable speeds slices a X RIGHT THROUGH Hiro's torso his bleeding was intense the injury burned. Hiro was scared but didn't want to give up didn't want to stop trying. Hiro was on his knees on the ground as his aura got even more violent. HIRO'S POWER BEGAN TO GO WILD THE WHOLE SITUATION WAS FAR TOO MUCH FOR THE CHILD HIS BODY COULDN'T TAKE IT HIM TRYING TO USE SO MANY POWERS AT ONCE AND BEING AT HIS MAX STATE ALREADY HIS MIND AND BODY WAS PUSHING ITSELF TO THE BRINK OF DEATH BUT HIRO'S DARK LORD STRAND CALLED HIM IT WAS TIME TO TRULY PUSH HIM. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH HELP HELP HELP PLEASE HELP", Hiro screamed out. "What the hell is going on", Andre said confused and shocked. HIRO'S BODY WAS SHIFTING AND MORPHING THEN BOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!! AS THE SMOKE CLEARED It showed a strange creature Big and bulky and rough like full power max Garrett. He had wings like Andre's angel wings but black and a bit torn up with lightning pattern. water like tentacles on both side of his body move like Tamia would do(think ming hua water bending on ur ribs). Hiro's forehead has a 3rd eye emitting psychic energy like Luis. His back lining has like a rainbow of emotions on him like Izy's power would. Hiro's gained his own orbit with stones and such circling him like Uriel's gravity. His right arm was glowing greenish like a metaphysical form like Edward's molecule released form but with a huge hard light construct buff arm. His left arm was a monstrous kinda demonic like arm similar to dark chaos Camron's arm but buff. There was magic like runes around the arm as well like Matthew put it there. Hiro's skin was rough and reptile like Carlos as a dinosaur turned into a alligator or t Rex having sharp claws and fangs. A long tail similar in style to Ashley's stretchy body. Shadow like strands like an X cross his whole front and back torso like Jevon would have. Horns spawned from the forehead like a crown similar to what Hannah would have but kinda devilish. The hair was flowing with black and white energy like Dark Lord and Pan combined the light and dark. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH", Hiro roared out in front of a shocked Andre.  "what what the", Hiro said trying to turn back but can't. "No I am stuck like this UUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH", Hiro said SLAMMING INTO ANDRE KNOCKING HIM DOWN ANDRE WITH GREAT SPEED MOVED FAST ENOUGH TO DODGE IT. "Kid relax you clearly lost control over your power it's a problem we can fix", Andre said. "PROBLEM PROBLEM YOU ARE ALL THE PROBLEM AND I am the solution remember I HAVE ALL YOUR POWERS PLUS MY OWN", Hiro said breathing a stream of black fire. ANDRE CUT THROUGH THE FLAMES. HIRO SHOT DIAMOND SHARDS AT HIGH SPEEDS OUT OF HIS EDWARD ARM. ANDRE DODGED WITH GREAT SPEED BUT HIRO TURNED THE SHARDS INTO PILLARS NORMALLY THIS WOULDN'T STOP ANDRE BUT HIRO SLIPPED HIS WATER TENTACLES AND GRABBED ANDRE SLAMMING HIM AROUND THE DIAMONDS SHATTERING THEM TO PIECES THEN HE REGREW THEM BUT WITH MASSIVE SPEED ANDRE DODGED THEM BEFORE HE COULD GET STABBED.  ANDRE RACED ALL AROUND THE WORLD BUT HIRO WAS SURPRISINGLY KEEPING UP AS THEY BOTH CLASHED AT HIGH SPEEDS. THE CHAOS ENERGY EMITTING FROM HIRO BLASTED ANDRE BACK THE FOCUS WAS INCREDIBLE BUT AFTER FIGHTING CAMRON HE WAS PREPARED. ANDRE THAN CUT HIS CHEST SPILLING HIRO'S BLOOD. "Cute", Hiro commented as he regenerating himself back together and his blood created monsters attacking Andre. Andre cut them down swiftly. "Damn it all", Andre said flying into space hoping for a little distraction. HIRO TELEPORTED IN FRONT OF ANDRE AND POW!!! PUNCHED HIM TO THE EDGE OF THE UNIVERSE. HIRO FLEW TO ANDRE WHO REGAINED HIS STANCE AND WENT IN FOR A SWORD STRIKE BUT HIRO SAW THE FUTURE AND DODGED EACH STRIKE PERFECTLY. "HAHAHA This is perfect with all this power I can finally take my revenge for taking my friends lives and now for turning me into this freak this monster ROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRR', Hiro screamed striking Andre with powerful claw strikes and swiping him with his tail. ANDRE'S BLOOD AND SCARS REOPENING BUT ANDRE WAS STILL ABLE TO CUT HIRO. "Ugh I can't do any lasting damage on him I need to figure something out before that Dark power completely takes over", Andre says getting ready for a blitzing attack. ANDRE QUICKLY MOVING LIKE A FLASH OF LIGHT CUTTING HIRO OVER AND OVER AGAIN BUT HIRO PREDICTED ANDRE'S MOVEMENTS AND WITH JEVON'S DARKNESS WAS ABLE TO ABSORB ANDRE'S FLASH OF LIGHT. "Room", Hiro said creating a room that Andre quickly dodged and SHATTERED IT WITH HIS MIGHTY BLADE. ANDRE DECIDED TO RACE THROUGH SPACE. "I will go back in time and fix all of this", Andre said moving through time until. "Did you really think it would be that easy", Hiro said GRABBING ANDRE FROM TIME AND KNOCKING HIM THROUGH A PLANET ANDRE TRIED TO ATTACK BACK BUT HIRO JUST PHASED THROUGH THE ATTACK. "You must have forgotten I have Matthew's magic and Garrett immortality", Hiro said grabbing Andre. Andre tried to phase through it but wasn't able too. "I have even your powers too", Hiro said making a drill out of his hand to stab Andre. "True but you clearly don't have them at our level Matthews magic my angel speed and Camron's creation chaos bio powers. It's obvious that when you absorb powers you only get a faction of it but if you absorb the person as well then you get the full power which explains why you can't beat me everyone you absorbed is weaker than me even with Dark lord's influence you still aren't him kid", Andre said. "AAAAAAAAAAAH WHATEVER IT DOESN'T MATTER I AM STILL GOING TO KILL YOU AND MATTHEW AND CAMRON JUST WATCH BESIDES YOU CAN'T KILL ME", Hiro said clashing with Andre. Andre hated to admit it but he was right he used judgement and his strikes aren't doing enough. Andre will have to just stick to his tried and true unbelievable speed until he can come up with a plan. "I sure hope Matthew and Camron are busy right now", Andre said moving quickly to strike Hiro. "I will end you permanently", Hiro said creating a destroy blaster ANDRE QUICKLY DESTROYS IT. "He maybe more creative than Camron but he lacks experience and specifics. How am I gonna put him down", Andre thinks to himself while fighting Hiro. Hiro was struggling for control and clearly conflicted in his mind a burning a desire for revenge but a similar desire for control back before going to far. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH  SUPER TWILIGHT WAVE", Hiro screamed as a spiral wave of light and darkness is launched at Andre. Andre was actually in control but couldn't finish the kid off. Hiro tried to cast illusions on Andre but Andre quickly purified his mind washing away the illusion. HIRO PUNCHED ANDRE WITH HUGE FIST BUT ANDRE WAS QUICK WITH THE SPEED ATTACKS OF HIS BLADE. FROM GALAXY TO GALAXY THEY KEPT FIGHTING ON BUT HIRO HAD ENOUGH. "TURN YOU INTO CANDY GHHAHDKAFHEFKAE!!", Hiro said launching a beam Andre easily countered it and knocked Hiro down. "Listen kid your strong probably around my level but you lack so much control focus and even raw power it's sad too you have tons of potential", Andre said.  

 Hiro was furious. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH", Hiro ROARED HIS POWER SURGED MORE AND MORE POWER WAS BEING DRAWN OUT TO THE POINT OF NO RETURN. HIRO OPENED MILLIONS OF PORTALS ACROSS THE MULTIVERSE WITH HIS POWER. "Try to stop me now I will absorb EVERYONE'S ENERGY AND BE SO MUCH STRONGER THAN ALL OF YOU", Hiro screamed out. "Great now the kid is really out of control", Andre says trying to attack Hiro but the portals open up more and more holes in the Multiverse Hiro smashed Andre into them and followed. THERE BATTLE CONTINUED ACROSS CREATION NOTHING WAS SAFE NOW.                   

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