Chapter 1: Jackie's POV

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"Trouble child."



Yeah, I've been called a whole lot of things in my life. And honestly, I'm sick of it. I'm a good person but nobody's ever really given me much of a chance to show it. Not that I'm saying I'm not a thief. Or trouble. I'm definitely both of those things. They're a big part of who I am, being a Hermes kid and all. I mean, when I see the opportunity to pull a prank or something, I'm gonna take it. Obviously. What the hell, right? People will look back and laugh in the long run, I'm sure of it.

Okay, well... maybe I don't take life too seriously. But honestly, why should I? I've been stuck at Camp Halfblood since I was 10. I've spent a grand total of 6 years here, and although it's my home, sometimes I feel trapped. Chiron won't let me leave, not that I'd have anywhere to go, and Rachel hasn't given me a prophecy. So I'm just stuck hanging around, training, and pulling wild stunts worthy of the Stoll brothers whenever I get too bored. Camp is supposed to be a place where all demigods belong, but I feel overlooked. Like I don't really matter. Sure I've got a few friends but half of them are probably just friends with me because they want me to be on their capture the flag team... I'm a fast runner, despite my short legs, and I'm a decent fighter. I can kick ass. But whatever.

I still can't believe I got caught sneaking into the Aphrodite cabin. The plan had been perfect. I'd waited until they were all at the dining pavilion and then snuck in with a sack. The plan was to steal all their precious makeup and wait for the war that ensued. It would've been hilarious. I can still imagine how Drew's face would've looked. Absolutely furious. Utterly ridiculous. Heels would've been flying, expensive clothing ripped to shreds, fist fights might've even broken out! I think everyone can agree it would've been priceless. But nooo, Piper had to show up just as I was about to raid her dresser. Usually Piper is pretty chill and wouldn't mind, but I guess someone must have ticked her off earlier that day because she flat out snitched on me to Chiron. But I won't hold it against her. Honestly, how could I? She's a gorgeous badass. And her boyfriend is perfect. Am I jealous? Yes. But more than that, I'm just bisexual. Anyways...

Piper told Chiron about my stunt and instead of making me clean the pegasi stables or some other chore, he just gave me a disappointed sort of smile and told me that I "shouldn't be doing that." I hate that Chiron knows. He understands. He knows that the reason I act all tough and like some glorified comedic genius all the time is because I'm sick of being a nobody. If the oracle won't give me a quest and my father never gives me the chance to prove myself, my name is gonna be lost in history. If I can't go down in the books as a hero, I'd best just cause enough trouble to be remembered for something.


I snap my head up at the sound of my name, my train of thought interrupted.


"Rachel wants to talk to you!"

My half-brother from the Hermes cabin, Michael, practically pounces on me with excitement. His curly red hair is a frizzy mess, as usual. His grin stretches across his entire face, freckled cheeks tinged pink.

"Rachel wants to talk to... me?" I ask slowly, not daring to let myself get my hopes up. But a tiny voice in the back of my mind is saying this is it. This could be your way out. What if she gives you a prophecy?

"Yup! She said she'd meet with you after dinner." I look down at my untouched plate of food, nerves sending butterflies into my stomach. Dare I hope? No. I'd better set myself up for disappointment. Maybe Rachel just wants to chat. I don't know. I can't go in expecting to get a prophecy and walk away without one.

"Ok Michael, thanks." I give him a little smile and go back to pushing my food around on my plate, anticipation eating at my insides.

I need this. Whatever Rachel has to tell me, it better be life changing.

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