Chapter 16: Luka's POV

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What. The. Fuck.

Jackie wouldn't stop drinking, like is she stupid? I kept yelling at her to stop, but she just continued gulping it down. How was there even that much liquid in the cup?! It looks like she drank a shit ton.

"Oh my gods, what is going on with you?! Stop drinking that!" I yelled, trying to get her to stop. She was out of control and I had no clue what to do except to try and grab the relic from her, failing miserably. "Jackie, you've got to stop!" My voice was getting more and more frantic, she needed to stop, she looked like she was about to throw up or pass out or something.

Suddenly I heard a loud, booming voice from the corner.

"She can't."

Who was that? Oh no. Jackie was in no position to fight anyone right now which meant that keeping us both alive was my job now. Fuck. I barely knew how to fight, I was counting on Jackie to lead the way and fight monsters.

"Who said that?" My voice shook. Jackie was sitting on the ground now, her eyes drooping, still drinking excessive amounts of wine and occasionally yelping in pain.

A man about the same height as me stepped out of the shadows. He was wearing a robe-like thing and had a sour expression on his face.

"I did. You may call me King Pentheus." King who now? Naturally, me being the toungue tied stupid shit that I am said, "uhh, King Penthouse?"

King Penthouse looked mad.

"Pentheus," he said angrily, "and if you don't cooperate with me, your little girlfriend over there will die." Excuse me, what? Girlfriend?!? Nuh uh, nope, never, ew.

"Not to kill your party Mr. Penthouse, but she's not my girlfriend, and I'm not going to listen to anyone who wears a bathrobe to an interrogation."

My sass really is starting to come out more and more. It's pretty much a coping mechanism now, some people hide their pain with humor, but I hide mine with my big fat sassy ass.

"King pentHEUS!" Mans was really starting to go off. Oopsies. He walked closer to me, his face even more screwed up than before."I don't give a flying shoe as to who the girl is to you, but all you have to do to keep her alive is listen to what I have to say."

I glanced back at Jackie. She did not look good at all. The stupid child was still drinking, her face turning a light shade of green. Whatever I need to do, I need to do it fast, I'm not exactly sure if Jackie is going to be okie dokie after this.

"Ok fine, tell me what I need to do." I had one hand on the bow that was slung around my shoulder. If worst comes to worst I just have to shoot the guy, right?

"Well it's simple, just leave the chalice with me and promise not to search for any more relics." Well that's a big oof for us. "Or what?" I asked, hoping that it wouldn't involve death.

"Or you'll both die." That definitely involved death. In situations like these you have to think like a demigod. The only problem is that I'm still getting used to the fact that I'm a demigod, so how the heck am I supposed to think like one? Guess I better wing it.

"King Pentheus, hmm i've heard that name before... mind enlightening me?" Maybe trying to be his friend might work.

He ignored my question, "Right now, I have the girl under a spell. The only way she can stay alive and overcome the immense pain I have put upon her is to drink from the chalice, but if she drinks too much, she will die anyways. Alcohol is not a joke."

Yeah. I already knew that all too well. My mom.... Forget it. Off topic. I need to win this. I'm not about to lose another person to alcohol no matter how I feel about them.

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