Chapter 9: Jackie's POV

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"Right, so... I'd better fill you in." I look up at Luka and try to keep my expression neutral. I can't decide whether I absolutely despise this kid or not. Whatever.

"Yeah. So I've heard the prophecy already, I just don't know what it means. Like... at all." He looks at me expectantly.

"Yeah... so..." I start telling him everything Chiron told me while leading him throughout camp. I give him a little tour as I go, showing him the archery range, pegasi stables, climbing wall, and amphitheater. I also explain the whole thing about being a demigod, the dangers of it, and all about the gods and monsters. He seems to be taking the news surprisingly calmly. I figure Reyna must have filled him in a bit. We've almost reached the canoe lake when I decide to ask him more about himself.

"So... who's your godly parent again? Apollo?"

"Yeah. God of the sun and music or whatever?"

"Yup," I give him a little smile and notice that he averts his gaze. Hmmm... "So, how did you get claimed?" I lead him down along the dock, gazing into the shimmering water, watching his reflection.

"Well I was in New Rome and I was playing this ukulele for a kid... and then Apollo just put this magic little symbol over my head and..."

As he's talking, I nod and pretend I'm listening but in reality I'm just paying attention to the fact that we've almost reached the edge of the dock.

"...and yeah. That's pretty much it." He finally looks up and sees the mischievous smile I'm giving him. "Uh... Jackie? You alright?"

"I'm fine! Just fine!" I giggle, "Do you like to swim?"

"Do I- what?" I give him a wicked little grin and realization flashes across his face. "Wait! Jackie, no! I swear-"

Cackling, I shove him and he topples off the dock into the freezing water.

"Jackie! You little-" he splutters as he resurfaces, looking pissed off. Perfect. I just laugh and crouch down at the edge of the canoe dock. "You're gonna pay for that one!" He splashes water at me, soaking me from head to toe.

"Hey!" I shout, trying to wipe the water out of my eyes, but he grabs my arm and yanks me down into the water with him. "HEY YOU-" I hit the lake with a loud splash and flounder around underwater for a bit, trying to get my bearings. Then I feel Luka grab my waist and haul me to the surface. I spit lake water out of my mouth and I'm about to say something sarcastic but I stop at the look he's giving me.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to go under like that." His blue eyes pierce right through me. He's genuinely worried.

"Oh, it's alright. I'm okay." Godsdamnit why the hell am I blushing? I try to avert my gaze but that's pretty impossible seeing as we're practically nose to nose. His grip around my waist loosens as he lets his arm drop away and gives a nervous little cough. I mentally smack myself. Why'd I have to go and make things so awkward? Being around Luka does weird things to me. Better turn this around fast before I completely lose control.

"Race you back to the dock!" I shout suddenly, splashing him before taking off.

"Hey, no fair! You got a head start!" He laughs and swims after me. Sadly, he beats me to the dock and hauls himself up.

"Hmph," I fake pout, and he just laughs and helps pull me up out of the water. I shake my hair, trying to dry off a bit, and ring some of the water out of my T-shirt. "You're a pretty good swimmer," I tell him as we head towards the dining pavilion.

"Thanks." He laughs and shoots me a smile. I silently curse Apollo for making this kid so gosh darn handsome. Get it together, Jackie. I shoot him a little glare and say "I'll beat you next time though," for good measure. He just raises his eyebrow and smirks. Cocky, much? Hmph. I'm suddenly reminded about why this kid keeps getting on my nerves. I sigh in an exasperated way and continue to lead him towards the pavilion in silence. I let Aphrodite get the best of me for a second and I'm not about to let that keep happening. I'd better dial it back and have my fun without losing control.

We reach the pavilion and I explain to Luka how campers eat with their demigod siblings. I lead him over to the Apollo table and introduce him to Will Solace before going to sit with my siblings at the Hermes table to eat lunch. I figure I'd better eat something since it's been hours since I last ate, and I'm supposed to be leaving for the quest tomorrow. I get a ham and cheese sandwich and some chips and try to focus on eating while millions of thoughts run through my head. My gaze shifts over to Luka. He seems to be getting along pretty well with his Greek siblings. I wonder if we'll be able to get along on our quest. I zone out for a bit, lost in thought, and then I blink and realize Luka has met my gaze. Oh gods, he probably thinks I've been staring at him. Could this day get any more chaotic?

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