Ups and Down

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Happy is not the word that would express me justifiably.I was beyond ecstatic.The love of my life has consented to marry me.I wanted nothing more than to make all her dreams come true,to make her my princess forever.Maybe I sound like a girl,but I guess I can't help it.

"Hey would be hubby."Natalia barged inside my office greeting me.
"Hey wifey to be."I kissed her lips savouring her fruity lips.
"To what do I owe your auspicious visit?"
"Can't I visit my fiancĕ without reason?"She batted her eyelash teasing me.
"You can come here anytime darling."
"That's more like it."
"Actually,your mum was asking me whether she can keep an engagement party or not?"
"Yeah sure why not."
"Great I'll inform her.She was so happy."

"Yeah I still remember the day when we told both our families.They were more enthusiastic then us."I chuckled.


"You two are what?"Both Sarah and Bethany exclaimed.
Natalia showed her engagement ring making all the women shriek.
Zita was the first one to yell so loudly,that I thought I would lose my hearing.
"Oh my Gosh!!This is magnificent.
Etienne this is so gorgeous.What a lovely ring!"
"Why,thank you.Actually I was planning to give my grandmother's ring.But then I decided against it.So I bought this ring from Tiffany."

"This is so stunning.I really don't have words.You two getting married."Zita gushed.
"I'm so happy for you baby."Bethany hugged Natalia.
My mother hugged me and whispered:
"You did the right thing son.I am so proud of you.Natalia will make a perfect wife for you."
"Thank you mum."
She kissed my cheek and hugged Natalia.
"So this means that Etienne will become my brother-in-law?"Antonio asked hopefully.
"Absolutely dude.Do you have any objection?"
"Objection?No way, I love you Tien.You're already my brother and bestfriend.
But what about Mark?
What if he doesn't like you?"
"Mark isn't here Toni.So let's not talk about him."David interposed.

"Let us all drink to Etienne and Natalia's engagement."Will cheered.

Flashback ends
Natalia's eyes were glittering with happiness.I was so bloody ecstatic.
"Your Mum has even started planning our marriage and honeymoon."Natalia informed.
"Yes,she has already given me the names of all the boutique for the marriage dress.Apparently she want kids as soon as possible.Her words not mine."
"Woah,woah.What the hell?This is our marriage.We are to decide where  we want to go for our honeymoon and no one else."He glared at no one at particular.
"Calm down Tien.Mum is excited."
"I understand that.But this is over the top.Don't you think?"
You're not to blow her bubbles.Natalia scolded me like a little kid.
I will do no such things.But seriously May,she should know when to hold her horses.

"And this talk about kids."
"Umm you don't like kids?"She hesitated before asking.
"Well,to be honest I'm not sure about that.But one thing I'm sure of,is that you'll be an amazing mother to our kids."
She blushed at my compliment.
"Well,about that.I don't know much about kids.
Well me too, but I certainly know the process to create one."Her eyes widened.
"You are incorrigible."
"No babe I'm certainly good at it."I said waggling my eyebrows.
"Cocky much huh?"
"Just stating facts."We both laughed at our bantering.
After a while she asked me.
"Tien I don't want a bodyguard.Already you've provided with so many security.Why the need of a personal bodyguard?Am I still the target of that mafia?"
"Umm so many questions.Okay Firstoff I'm sorry but no arguements when it comes to your security.Secondly sweetheart we can't be too sure.I'll ask your bodyguard to remain in background.You just lead your life normally.
Please..for my peace of mind?"
"You're emotionally blackmailing mister.Ughh..I hate you."
"No you don't,and this is not emotional blackmail.This is called love."
"Mr.cheese balls."
"What's with you and nicknames?"
"Says the person who keeps on inventing new endearment every time we meet."
"Guilty as charged."
She smiled,earning a quick smile from me as well.
Did I tell you how much I love her?

Just then Drake entered my office.
"Hey Tien..oh..Hey Natalia."
"Drake."She got up and kissed him on his cheek.Drake smirked earning a glare from me.
"Hey mate,am I interrupting?"
"There is a word called knock.
So knock when you enter my office next time."
"Okay so I need your help.Actually both of your help."
"Yes Drake we'll definitely help you."Natalia assured him before I could utter any word.
He exhaled his breath loudly.
" there is this girl.I like her..but I don't know how to you know?Ask her to date me?"
"Excuse me What?"I exclaimed banging my first on the glass table dramatically making Natalia jump.
"Who is this mysterious girl?Care to confide in me?"I was full blown angry.
"Here I tell you every single incident of my life.And look at you?"
I accused him.The fucker had the audacity to look shamefaced.Yet,he deserved that.
"Hush Tien."
"First of all,can you tell us who is this girl?"
Now he looked absolutely uncomfortable.
"Drake...."I warned.
"It's Zita alright.That women has got under my skin like no one ever had."
Natalia's eyes bugged out.
"Zita... as in my Zita?"
"Wow...when did all this..
Anyway not important right now."
Natalia shook her head as if making up her mind.
"What can we do to help you?"
"Set me up with her.She refused to go out with me.Can't you paint a better picture of me or something like that?"
"Wait,let me think.
You like her as in like,like her?"
"Frankly Drake,she had a bad past.So that must speak volumes for her inhibitions.Clearly you know that?"
"Yes as a matter of fact I'm very much aware of it.
But I myself have broken through that shackle.I not only trust her but I think I love her."
"Woah..Fine,let me see what I can do?"
"One thing more,don't you dare break my bestfriend's heart."
"Good."Natalia was smiling cunningly.She was definitely upto something.
"Oh shoot.. I'm late."
She quickly got up, pecked my cheeks and left.

No one knew this was the last time I was going to see her....

Hey guys.
I hope you all are enjoying this story.I'll try and update the story as soon as possible.Love XOXO
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