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"What drives the demon to do sin?His undying hunger for power."

Ouff..My head hurts so badly.
Ugh..What is that God-awful stench?
I slowly opened my eyes and the sight infront of me made my skin crawl.
The place was a dungeon with red paint all over the floor and wall.Weird.
Wait! Is that dried blood?
Oh my gosh!Where am I?
Last I remember I was with Zita and Drake.
Oh shit!
I closed my eyes and the memories came flooding back to me.Drake's revelation and me needing space from everything and eventually running out of the club.After that I don't remember a thing.
I tried to move but my hands and legs were tied to a chair.
Am I being abducted?
Yay!you realise it so soon Nat.
I mentally roll my eyes at my stupidity.My head injury is making me paranoid clearly.
But this place.....is freaking creepy.
Who has kidnapped me?

"Look who decided to wake up?"A tall man with rugged features entered the room.
"Who are you?"I asked,my voice squeaking like a mouse.
"Allow me to introduce m'lady I am the one who was assigned to kill you in the hospital."He drawled with his thick Italian accent.
I widened my eyes.
I lost all the courage to further question him.
"Already scared eh?"
You are no coward Natalia.
"Why did you kidnap me?"My voice sounded hoarse.
"Oh I want to do more than kidnap you."
He must have seen the horrific expression on my face because he started laughing.Yes that maniac actually laughed.The deadly laugh mind I tell you.
I gulped nervously.

"So the sleeping beauty decided to wake up eh Ivan?"Another man entered the room.He looked lethal just from his face and walk.He came and sat infront of me in a stool.
He looked at me intently.I stared at him right back.I didn't want to show him my weakness.His eyes were steel grey.
After a while,he cleared his throat.
"Wow,your photo didn't do justice to you.You are a sexy piece.I must say huh?"
I shot him a look.
"Feisty huh?I like that."
I clenched my fist at his looks.It was as if he was mentally undressing me.I felt disgusted.

"Finish with your eye raping you Asshole?"
I spat at him.I realised I made a mistake.
His eye color turned into the most stormiest grey.
He got up and within the blink of my eye he slapped me hard.He clutched my hair making me wince with pain.
"If I rape you bitch as you put it.You won't survive anymore."He whispered gritting his teeth.His voice send goose flesh all over my body.

Ivan came in front of me with a shining sharp knife.

"Why are you doing this to me?I don't even know you people. "
"Trust me bitch you don't have to know us."
With that he made a gash on my arm making me yell at the process.
"Stop,please stop.Why are you doing this?I don't even know you guys."I pleaded.
My head hurt,my arms were bleeding profusely.My vision started becoming blurry.
"There must be some mistake."I whispered under my breath.
"This is no mistake whore.We are paid to do this to you."Ivan replied dangerously.
"But who paid you to kill me?I'm pretty sure I don't have enemy in my life."I murmured softly.
"We don't know who is our friend and who is our enemy cuore mio.Some people show us what they want us to see.
Foul is fair and fair is foul.
Remember the three witches?Surely you must remember?Given that you are a teacher."The other man replied solemnly.His eyes never leaving mine.

"You're quoting Shakespeare.Who are you?Please tell me why are you doing this to me?"
"I'm no Saint sweetheart.I am a killer."His eyes became hard.
The man named Ivan was ready to charge again when the other man stopped him.
"Non adesso Ivan."(Not now Ivan).
"But boss..Marco."Before he could say anything Marco raised his hand and stopped him mid sentence.
So his name is Marco.Marco as in the Mafia.
I widened my eyes as realisation dawned on me.
"I think you recognise me?"Marco queried with a twist to his lips.
I stared at him intently.
Marco gently tied a cloth to my arm with his callused hand.
Ivan looked at his boss sceptically.
I wonder what is going on?First one of them hurt me and the next moment other is catering to my wounds.These people are fucking weird.
Someone please help me.Even Etienne must have hated me now,why would he help me?
I wanted to cry loudly but I cannot let my guard down in front of these two maniac.
I bit my lip hard tasting my blood.The pain on my arm becoming unbearable every second.

"Please let me go home."
I know my pleadings were futile but a girl can try right?
"Sorry sweetheart but I cannot."Marco replied.
"But why?You don't even know me."
"We don't need to know you to kill you."
"Tell me what do you want?I'll give you anything.My fiance is very rich,he'll pay you."
"Oh that fiance?whom you dumped weeks ago?"My eyes popped out.He knows,he knows everything.
"How do you even know so much about my life?"
"Trust me we know more than you think."
"You'll soon be informed everything.And your so called fiance will find solace in someone else's bed."
I shook my head vehemently.
"Don't fill my head with lies."
"I don't lie cuore mio."He said menacingly.

I remained quiet.Don't want to be at the recieving end of this man's wrath.

"You people started the party without me?"Someone strolled inside the room chuckling.I couldn't makeout who was the person.
My vision started becoming hazy.I was again slapped hard and this time I couldn't believe the person who was in front of me.

"YOU" I shouted astonishingly.

Hi my lovelies,I know you must be mad at me for not revealing the antagonist.But soon my sweeties..Till then keep guessing,keep sharing.

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