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WARNING:Brutal scenes,swearing and abusive language ahead.Read at your own risk.

"YOU"I shouted.
I was stunned to see the person standing in front of me.(Ladies and gentleman the person infront of me is none other than Etienne so called ex girlfriend Katherine aka Kathy the bitch.)
"Why are you doing this to me?I never bothered you.Why?"I was bewildered.
"Why am I doing this?"She started laughing sarcastically.
"You see Etienne was mine before you were even in the picture.I would have got married to him.But no,you?A Fucking nobody just came out of a rat hole and claimed my Tien.
You see now he'll just have me and you will die."She said feeling very proud of herself.

"You can't force love Kathy.Etienne will never choose you over me."I retorted.
She started to loose her temper so she slaps and punches me.When she stops she takes a deep breath and return to her smiling self.
"Okay honey,I'm sorry.I kinda lost it there.No hard feelings right?"
"He won't choose you,he just won't."I know I was stupid enough to think that I can convince this psycho.

"Are you trying to convince yourself honey?That's just sad he'll pick me and I will be with him happily married with kids while you'll rot in this stupid little room DEAD!"

"You really are crazy!Please just let me go."I cried to her.
"I would but what fun would that be?"she comes closer to my face.
"You know you're so stupid.You fell into my trap so easily.I would just like to inform you honey since you're going to die ,that Etienne is innocent.He didn't cheat on you.I spiked his drink.I put him on that room just for you to see.And like a stupid whore you are, you walked directly into the trap."

I clenched my fist.Deep down I already knew Etienne was innocent but why didn't I listen to my heart..I was so overwhelm with my grief that I failed to see the obvious.
Etienne would never do this to me.I berated myself so much.
"For your information these people here are the Italian mafia and they would take proper care of you.
Won't you Marco?"
"Si" came a curt reply from Marco.
"Now I would leave you in their hospitality."She said cunningly.
But before that,she went to the corner of a room and came back with a screw driver.

"I see you're copying my style."Marco sneered.
"Don't worry Marco I won't spoil her pretty face.I'll leave those perks for you.
I'll just harm these pretty hands which were always draped around my would-be hubby."She adjusted my hand on the table and before I could process what is she trying to do,she stabbed the screw driver on my palm.
I howled in pain.
"Aah the bliss of watching you in pain.I dreamt of this one day."
"You crazy bitch.."
"Did you call me crazy?"She grabbed the screw driver once again and was about to attack when Marco intervened rapidly.
"Leave her to me."Marco stated firmly.
"Make sure she suffers and let her rot before she dies."Katherine spat venomously.
She slapped me once more,spoke to Marco in Italian and strutted out of the room.
My eyes began to droop.Blood was gushing out and everything became black.

I woke up feeling thirsty and cramped.I was completely helpless.I noticed a bandage around my palm.If only my family knew where I was?Why didn't I hear him once?
Will Etienne really move on?If only I would have let Etienne explained to me.But no I was overpowered by my emotion rather than rationality.

I was angry at Katherine for being so cruel and merciless.I was angry at my own self for letting my insecurity get the best of me.
Now I'm here in this pathetic situation trapped .
I love you so much Etienne.Please help me.I'm sorry for hurting you.I love you so much.
I know I sound like a loser,but honestly what can I do?
I lost the best thing in my life because of my stupidity.
But all in all I believe that my love is powerful.It will overcome all barrier.Maybe this is the plea of a dying heart.But a person can hope.
'HOPE' the only thing left in the box of pandora.And I shall hope for the best.

I will fight till the end.I will never say never.
With a determined sigh I look for something in the room.Anything that can assist me right now.God help those who help themselves.I kept on chanting this and looked for just any clue.I saw a knife glinting at the extreme corner of the room.But how should I get it?
My hand was hurting badly despite the bandage.
I tried to scoot my chair but in vain.
"Going somewhere Cuore mio?"
I stiffened at Marco's signature smug face.How I want to wipe that smug face of his.
He sat in front of me and touched my cheek.
"Seí cosí bello."(You're so beautiful)
"Don't touch me."My voice came out raspy and hoarse.
Marco clapped his hands making me jump.
A man came holding a tray of food and water.

"Drink this."I shook my head.
"Now, now mia bella don't make me force you."
He held my chin firmly and forcefully made me drink water.
To be honest I wanted to drink but I was scared to take anything fearing it would be poisoned or worst spiked.

"Now eat this."He commanded.
I shook my head again making him grit his teeth.
"Do you know I can force you in the worst possible way."He said these words softly but it held a menacing tone.
He feed me some bread and I chewed it.The food felt like rubber on my mouth.All this while he kept on staring at me like a creepy guy.

"Now smile for me."I glared at him.
Too bad he didn't like it.He slapped me hard and I winced in pain.
Again everything started becoming blurry.
Last I heard 'Shit' and some profanities after which everything blacked out..

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