Remember Me For Centuries.

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I've been sitting here for four fucking hours and there's been no word. Not even a sign as to weather or not he was okay. And the more minutes that past by the closer I got to breaking. I'm not ready for him go- I can pretend... but I'm not. I don't want to wake up knowing that he won't be right there beside me. I don't want to live knowing that I didn't do enough. I don't want to stumble through life alone, dealing with awkward moments and forced understanding because the only person who ever really got me is dead. I don't want to know that I could have saved him- but I didn't do enough. There's so much I could have done but I didn't. It was my job to save him, to drag him out of the hell he created. I let him fall so hard, a betrayal measurable as  I was his god, and he was Lucifer. I should be the one laying on that gurney, just moments from death.

"Friends and family of Oliver Scott Sykes?" A loud voice rang, breaking me out of my own head, and I honestly could have thanked God for that. I wouldn't though, this whole situation was proof God wasn't on my side.

"Yes?" I replied for the other 13 sleeping men that made up our three bands, choking back a sob and giving my attention to the balding man in front of me.

"Ah, yes. Well.. about the patient.. we have him stabilized for the moment but he appears to be in a coma.. there really is no telling when- or even if he'll wake up. If any of you would like to see him now would be the time. His room number is 221B. Feel free to go back at any time." The doctor explained before walking way, keeping it short and sweet and not having any time for sympathy. Although he gave news like this in a daily basis, if this was my job I'm sure I'd grow to be numb to a strangers death as well.

"Coma?" I whispered to myself as I let it set in..

He wasn't dead, but he sure as fuck was close. He was just millimeters away from falling over the edge. He was like a beatiful vase, teetering over the edge of my counter and I'm the one who left him there so carelessly. I slowly got out of the fetal position that I had been sitting in the entire time, stretching out my aching limbs, knowing that I could run. This was my last chance. If I ran I could get far, far away before anyone ever noticed. I could forget about him, act like he and this life was all just a dream. But I didn't, and I hated myself for even thinking of it. Me not being able to deal with my feelings and running away was how all of this started. I couldn't leave him again. Especially not now not when he needs me. It may be hard but as long as there is still a small piece of Oli that is clinging to life, then I have every reason in the world to stay and help him fight to stay alive. All of this was my fault, but it was more than sheer guilt that kept me here. I loved him, and now that it's to late; I finally don't care who knows it.

"Guys, you need to wake up." I said, and they all slowly woke up with a lot of groaning.

"So?" Austin questioned

"He's.. uhh.. in a Coma. And they don't know when he'll wake up." I told them, breaking out into sobs again.

I was so tired of crying, but the tears never stop coming. I felt numb to the whole thing. I wasn't hurting, but I knew that would end eventually. Soon the reality that he could die will set in and I don't know how I would react. All I can do right now is try to do what I need to before I fall apart.

Austin came and sat down next to me, wrapping his arm around me, trying his hardest to console me.

"He'll wake up Josh.. I know he will.." he cooed.

"We can go and see him now if we want.. but only two at a time.. will you go with me Austin... I don't want to go alone.." I whispered to him through my tears.

"Oh course Josh. Just let me go tell the others. I'll be right back.."

I let my head fall back as I shed more tears. I was scared. That was an emotion I could definitely feel. I was afraid to walk into that room and see what I did, what I drove him to do. I didn't want to walk in there and see him laying there on that bed cold and pale. But I had to; he was my boyfriend and I had to be there for him. That's what love is, going through hell and back for that person you love. I had to be by his side until he woke up and everyday after that. It didn't matter if I was scared; I had a commitment that I had to stand by. And it will be hard.. but it'll be worth it to be by his side again one day.

"Are you ready Josh?" Austin asked as he came back over to me.

"Uhh, yeah mate, let's go." I said, standing up and walking by his side down the long white hallway with children's drawings hung up and framed on the side of the walls. The florescent lights blinding against the already bright white.

"How are you so calm about all this?" I questioned, wipping away my tears as best I could.

"Because... I guess I'm just used to loss since my mother. I'm just trying to stay positive and hope he wakes up soon... and trust me Josh I'm not calm. But someone has to be level headed in this situation and it sure as hell isn't going to be you or any of those other crying men out there." He explained, rounding a corner.

And there it was. 221B. Behind that door, Oli was laying on a bed, his heart beating and his lungs taking in air. But he wasn't awake... he was practically dead. I stopped dead in my tracks, just staring at the light blue door. I can't do it.

"Josh.. come on.." I heard Austin say, but his voice was muffled and I could barely hear him over my rapid heart beat.

My breath started being shallow and I could see black dots invade my vision. "Josh. Please, let's go." Austin insisted, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to the door.

"No.. please" I whimpered, the weak walls keeping my feelings in finally breaking. I could feel every emotion let loose. Anger, hate, sadness, guilt, fear, anguish, all at once. I let myself fall to my knees as I sobbed even harder than before. My breath labored and ragged, My eyes stung and I brought my hand up to my hair, pulling on the dark brown strands. "It's all my fault." I said, my voice coming out just as broken as I felt.

Austin sat down next to me, leaning back on the wall and pulling me to his chest. "It's not your fault.. if anything, it's mine. I let him go because I thought he would be okay." He mumbled, starting to cry himself. "And I swear to God, if I would have known I wouldn't have let him leave... It's all my fucking fault.."

I just wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back tighter. It was the only thing I could think to do. I knew that it wasn't his fault; but with the guilt he felt he would never believe me. I was to blame. I had put Oli though so much hell. I must have made him feel so worthless...

"But we need to go in there... we can't just ignore what happend and what's wrong with him... but I can't go in there alone.. please Josh.." he begged.

And that's when I realized; he loved Oli. Maybe not in the way I did, but he loved him. And he was blaming himself just as much as I was. He was scared that Oliver would never wake up too. But he knew that the first step to all of this was walking in that room... he just couldn't go alone.

"Okay Austin.. let's go." I said, standing up and reaching out a hand to help him up. He took my hand and we walked into the room.

I couldn't believe what I saw in from of me... he was so pale. He had stiches in his arms to close the deep cuts, and an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth. His hair was all over the place and he had stickers on his chest that were connected up to the heart monitor and tons of drip lines stuck into his arms.

"Oli" I whispered as a fresh set of tears ran down my face. I dropped Austin's hand and went to Oliver's side, grabbing onto his hand, pushing the hair out of his face, and pecking his forehead.

"I'm so sorry baby.. I should have been there.. I love you Oli.." I said, stroking his hair, lightly.

"Here Josh, sit." Austin said, placing a chair behind me.

"Thanks mate." I mumbled and sat down in it, still holding onto his hand.

He's alive, at least for now..

Hey guys I hope you enjoy the sequel. Once this gets 5 votes I will upload a new chapter. c:


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