This Is Faithfulness At It's Finest.

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Austin just stood at the foot of the bed for a while, tears running down his cheeks and a pitiful on his face, almost with a childlike innocence, like he couldn't believe what he could have let happen. Though I didn't pay much attention to him, I had succumbed to a blubbering mess, my head bent down and my forehead resting on the back of Oli's cold hand. I kept whispering how much I loved him. My words fell upon deaf ears, I wasn't sure he could hear me, yet I still said it. Not only did it help me feel better, but it helped to distract me from the drone of the breathing machine and the beep of his heart monitor.

Eventually Austin left and I vaguely registered the guys slowly trailing in one by one,  the only attempt to comfort me being a pat on the back or a reassuring squeeze to the shoulder. But that was fine, I didn't need comfort. Right now all I needed was to hold on tight to his hand and to hear the monitor trips along  and let me know that his heart was still beating.

I kept begging him to wake up and come back to me, my words on an endless cycle to get across the same points until I was interrupted by an older nurse in light lavender coloured scrubs.

"Honey.. Visitin' hours are over for today, your friends are out there in the waitin' room" She said, patting on the back before leaving the room, giving me one last chance to say a quick goodbye.

"Hey Oli.. I got to go baby. But I'd love it if that when I came back you were awake... I'll dream of you.. and I promise I won't give up on you. I won't leave you when you need me, not this time." I gave his limp hand a squeeze as I placed a chaste kiss to his forehead. I made my way over to the door, grabbing the handle and looking back his way one last time as if I expected him to jump awake and run into my arms. But he didn't, this isn't a romantic comedy where everything goes right just when things are about to fall apart, this is real life, cold and cruel and unforgiving.

I left the room feeling numb, the weight of the pain that I felt making my steps somehow feel almost weightless as I stumbled my way back to the waiting room. The nurse was right, they were all there. A few of them were asleep, all the others were on there phones, but as soon as they noticed my presence they just gave me sad smiles and put away their devices.

"I-I'm fine guys. Really." I said, answering the question they hadn't even asked with words so untruthful that they left a gross bitter taste on my tongue, like the lie had coated my mouth in sickening tar, making me unable to speak. But I didn't mind, I had nothing important left to say.

None of them knew what to tell me, they all could see right through the cracks that were just seconds from making me split apart. Austin finally broke the silence, saying the best thing anyone could muster.

"No you're not, And that's okay. No one expects you to be alright right now. Lets just back back to the hotel and get some sleep, okay?"

Everyone, including myself,  just grumbled an okay in response, waking up their friends and band mates so we could get on our way. Austin was acting strong, he would he our rock in the weeks to come, I could see that. Yet, I also wouldn't let myself forget that he was hurting just as much as I was, and that he needed help too.

We all made our way out of the hospital room and into the van, Alan agreeing to ride across Phil, Jordan, and Aaron's lap since there wasn't a place for me due to the fact that I had come in the ambulance. I got to ride up front with Austin, and through out the entire car ride I was just staring forwards at the licence plate of the car in front of us, and I'm not sure exactly when I started crying again, all I knew was that as soon as the tears started they wouldn't stop. I could feel Austins eyes bore into the side of my skull when he glanced at me every so often, and I didn't even have to see his face to know his strong features were eatched with worry, or something else couldn't quite catch. I was never particularly close with Austin, but I knew that he just had my best intentions at heart.

After of while of more driving we got back to the hotel and parked near the busses, all of us climbed out of the car as quick as possible. I noticed how calm the night was and how out of place it seemed. I felt like the weather should be like my emotions, dark, stormy and raining endlessly. But, instead the sky was clear and you could see every shining pinpoint star it had to offer.

I made my way up the stairs and to my hotel room with Matt trailing close behind me. I leaned back against the cool metal railing, waiting as he unlocked the door so we could both get inside. As soon as the door was opened I walked inside, the warmth enveloping my cold body.

"Josh- wait" Matt said as he closed the door, moving closer pulling me into a tight hug. We just sat like that for a moment, my heavy sobs filling the empty silence as he rubbed my back in a comforting manner.

"He'll wake up... Just give him time.." he muttered, his, soft warm breath hitting my neck as I pulled him closer desperately, silently begging and hoping that he could take away my pain.

"But what if he doesn't Matt?" I muttered, my voice raspy and barely audible though my hiccuping. "I-I love him so much, and he thinks I hate him.."

"I know Oli, Josh. Not as well as you, but I do. He's a fighter, he'll wake up. Plus, he loves you so much he would probably fight his way through hell just to get back to you. Just you wait, he'll be awake before you know it"

Hey guys! I hope you liked it! The next chapter will be in Oli's POV! And no, that doesn't mean he woke up. Just wait for it, you'll see. :) and just like last time, 5 votes before I'll update.


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