Destruction is My Seduction

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He sat there next to the pale tattooed man, for days, just staring. He didn't know why he was here, everytime he tried to figure it out he just came back with an aching head and someone whispering "I love you baby.. so sorry"

It came like echos over his mind, like there was so much more but it was the only clear word that could be uttered. That man on the bed was so familiar, he was so caught up in trying to figure out who he was.

Josh came by everyday and sat in that chair for hours, he talks to Oliver, and that's how he learned his name, among other things. Other people come and go, each one ending up crying, they can't really stay for long. He caught some names, Alan, Lee, Jordan, and a few other guys that he never heard the name of. He could remember all of them vaguely, each one, even the ones he didn't remember the names of stirred a sense of deja vu in him. It was driving him mad trying to recollect them, but he couldn't no matter how hard he tried, yet he felt it vital that he solve the mystery.

Josh never leaves, some nights he stays, and a nice nurse will bring him a cot. Other nights the head nurse is working, she says she's sorry, but still insists that he must leave. But he always comes back. No matter how many hours Josh spends speaking to the walls, he never leaves him, not until he is made to.

He found himself growing fond of Josh, his presence making him feel not so alone, even if he never acknowledged him. To be fair Josh rarely uttered more than a few words to anyone  but Oli, so he wasn't offended. He was caught up in trying to rember a past with these men, it was exhausting, and the stories were a peaceful distraction.

But soon, blissful ignorance was replaced with something much more damning. He was panicked, when he registered the fact that not knowing where he was, was the least of his worries. He had no recollection of who he was. He began to panic, his mind jumping around from place to place. He couldn't focus, but it flashed through his mind that even if he could he doubted that it would help.

Another popular idea he couldn't stop thinking is, 'you must have been in a bad crash and have amnesia, you must have wandered in here.' That and a thousand other outcomes kept forming in his already overwhelmed brain.

Calm down. Find a nurse, they'll know who you are and what to do.

He tried to reason with himself, he was still scattered and confused, but now he had a mission. He had a well formed thought in all this madness and bùllshit.

He pulled himself off the chair and walked over to the door on slightly wobbly legs. He was almost through the threshold of the door before he looked back at the tattooed man, watching his chest rise and fall for a moment before walking over to him, feeling wrong leaving without saying goodbye.

He didn't know what to say, or do, so he just reached his hand towards the other man, meaning to grasp his hand, yet he never got that far. As soon as his hand had almost gotten to his, he noticed the tattoos on his skin. He had matching tattoos on his hand as the man in the hospital bed. His eyes were wide, he didn't know what was going on, thousands of possibilities clouded his mind as his eyes darted back and forth from his own hand to the other mans. He slowly pulled up the sleeve of his black hoodie, revealing pale skin, with fantastic, eccentric ink marks. He looks down, and the biggest of his suspicions is confirmed, all the tattoos on his arm match the other mans. He can't explain it, there is no way he would have exact matching tattoos as this man.. Though to be fair he had no idea who he was, so anything was possible.

At this point he was scared as fùck, fearing what could possibly have happened, that at the very least someone he cared about was hurt. But, he knew he had to try his best to stay focused, no matter how hard it was proving to be for him. He pulled down his sleeve, actually grabbing the mans hand this time.

I dont know who you are, but this proves to me I know you, Oli. That I'm here with you for a reason. I'll be back soon if I can. Right now I have to go figure out what the hell is going on.

He let go of his hand and turned, finally exciting the hospital room and finding himself in an impeccably, bright white hallway. It had a strong smell of disinfectant that would accompany any hospital, and it was strangely cold, causing tremors to make there way throughout  his body. He turned a few corners, not knowing where exactly he needs to go to find a nurse's station. He was just stumbling around blindly. Which was the only approach, but he wasn't paying attention to where he was going, his mind was moving a million miles a minute trying to process everything that he'd found out. At the moment he was giving up trying to figure out who he was, or how exactly he got to be in that room with Josh, and that tattooed man. Luckily, it didn't take him long to find the nurses station, and he only had to make a few turns to get there.

He got there and there was a woman in mint green scrubs, with light blonde hair pulled pack in a messy pony tail. Her blue eyes were proof reading what she had typed out, and he stood there for a moment, figuring she would notice him standing there.

After a few moments of no response he finally decided that he needed to just talk to her and grab her attention.

Uh, hello..

He waited for a moment but still, She just continued typing away at her desktop.

He was confused to say the least, he had no idea why this nurse didn't respond to him.

Can you help me? Please?

He said, louder this time, doing his best to be less timid. Yet again she ignored him, and he was beyond confused. He didn't understand why she would be blatantly ignoring him.

After a moment another nurse came in, in blue scrubs, thick files under her arm. He decided to try again.

Hello? Ma'am?

It was like he was talking to a brick wall. They couldn't hear him, they weren't ignoring him.

He didn't know what to do again. A familiar feeling these past days. He resolved to just going back to the room, because he had no other ideas at this point. Then he heard the ding of the elevators go off behind him.

"Oli?" He heard someone gasp from behind him, just after he had walked around the corner, and he turned around confused, the tattooed man was here? But the hallway was empty. There was no one there.

Austin left his place beside Oli and went to check out the hallway. He looked down the corridor, but there was nothing, Oli wasn't awake like he had been stupidly hoping for a moment ago.

"There's nothing Josh.. maybe you saw someone going into a room?" He said with sympathy, trying to offer a reasonable cause.

"I- I really thought I saw him , Aus" Josh sighed, as they walked right past the frightened man in the hoodie, not giving giving him a glance.

You still haven't figured it out? You're failing your first test miserably, you know.

A voice that could be described no other way than sinister, hissed in his head, silencing all his other thoughts.

I guess I'll just have to show you..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2016 ⏰

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