The scruffy man

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"You know I love you.." A obviously tired man, with just enough stubble to look disheveled trailed off. "I'll never give up on you. I don't care how long it takes, I know you'll wake up. It just takes time, after all you never were a morning person"

He let out a small chuckle, his voice becoming thick before his choking sobs overpowered. He rested his head on the back of a pale mans hand. His face restful, with long tuffs of dark brown hair falling into his face and covering his eyes. His breathing was shallow and slow and as I stared I felt a sense of familiarity, but it was ridiculous; I had never seen this man before in my life.

I wondered why he wasn't waking up, the scruffy looking mans sobs easily being loud enough to wake someone. Then I started looking at details, something I struggled to do with my ADD. He was hooked up to so many wires and tubes, some of them going into his skin and seeping fluids into him. He had a plastic mask around his mouth and nose, his cleanly shaven face a light pink with irritation on its constant touch.

I went closer to the pair, briefly looking at the sniffling man who was just barely getting himself under control; looking at his features. I liked the look of him, as I imagined many others would. Even with his eyes tinted red and his face flushed, he still seemed handsome. I wondered why he waited, I was no genius and I could even see this guy was most likely a lost cause.

Briefly he fell asleep and I did to him what I used to do with my mother when I would find her crying herself to sleep. I spoke to him..

"H-hi" I stuttered, slightly unsure of what to say.

"uhm, I- I don't know you, not even your name; but you seem like a nice man.. What happened him?.. Is he gonna be alright? Are you alright.. I can see by how much you cry over him that you know he won't wake up... I'm.. Sorry." I say not getting an answer from the sleeping man. But just saying my questions and comments that came to mind sort of made me feel like I was helping.

I turn my attention to the sleeping man. I wondered what happened to him; terrible, gory, images of car crashes and alley fights filled my mind and I could feel the excitement as I pondered the way he got in that bed. The beeping of his heart monitors speeding way up distracted me from what I was thinking, but after a moment of me staring at him wide eyed, wondering if he was at deaths door; everything leveled out and he appeared to be fine again.

I kept looking at him inquisitively, that was until a woman came in; loose blue scrubs adorned her small frame and in a light voice she tired to stir the scruffy man in the uncomfortable chair.

"Sir.. Sir.. Visiting hours are over" she said, fluttering her blonde lashes at him, her green eyes gleaming with sympathy as she placed her hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

"Thank you.." He replied, giving her a brief nod and a small almost nonexistent smile.

The woman left the room and I continued to stare at the face of the tattooed man, ignoring the babbling and sobbing coming from the man next to me. Then, I Finally made the connection: he looked like a much more tattooed, pale version of the pictures I had seen of my father when he was young. well, and the hair was much longer as well. However, the resemblance was uncanny and I found myself yet again, just staring. Feeling like I knew this man better than anyone, yet having no real recollection of him at all.

Another person came in without me even noticing this time, but this one was a man. He was tall, and in his all black attire he came off a bit more than intimidating, but his light chocolate brown eyes held nothing but care as he looked out on the boys in front of him.

"We've got to go, Josh. Matt asked me to come get you." He spoke, his easily distinguishable American voice coming out slightly nasally, but I imagined he had been doing a lot of crying like the other 'Josh' fellow.

"Alright, Aus.." He said, keeping it brief with the tall man before turning back to the sleeping figure.

"Good bye, baby." He said, placing a soft kiss to his forehead. "I love you and I'll see you tomorrow, if you wake up... I dunno, I just love you." He said, a few more tears running down his face as he placed one last kiss to the sleeping boys pale lips.

"Hey, sorry I had to go earlier, Jordan was having a melt down back at the bus.. He's scared to face you really. He's sorry for how he used to treat you.. He thinks this is his fault.." The tall Man said, letting out a deep sigh and placing a chaste kiss on his brow line. "I think I'll bring him with me when I come tomorrow.. See you then. Wake up soon.. Please. I wasn't lying. I still need ya, buddy."

And with that the tall man Aus, and the scruffy guy Josh, walked out. Him mumbling something to to the other about Jordan being ridiculous because it's his fault, although they were gone before I could hear a reason.

I'm backkkkkkkk
Ha ha ha haha ah hahaha

You know the rules, 5 for an update :)

*****So proud of new cover even though it probably sucks*******


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