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Taehyun POV
Me, Beomgyu and Kai just arrived at school then we decided to go eat cause Yeonjun hyung was being an ass this morning.He didnt cook us breakfast .

As we walk in the cafeteria , i saw chaeryeong with her friends.We both make an eyecontact and she seems shock and whisper at her friend. Suddenly, they quickly take out some book and read it. 'Cute' i smiled at their action. Then i sit down on the table beside them and i couldnt help but staring at Chaeryeong.
'damnmm she an art'


Chaeryeong Pov
Right now i feel very tired and lazy so i decided to skip my class. I go to the library and find a good spot to sleep. When i go to my usual spot at the library there was already boy sleeping .
I'm bout to leave but he seems so familiar. I walk closer to him and found out that 'Kang freaking Taehyun' is sleeping . I walk backwards slowly but i end up crashing the vase behind me .
" who the fuck put this vase here?" i bent down quickly pick up the piece cause if i don't that and the teacher found out im dEad.

As i was picking it up a voice suddenly says " be careful you might hurt yourself" i look back and taehyun was standing behind me. I didn't say anything.'bruh his voice is so soothing' because of his voice, his eye is looking at me plus his smile make me drop the glass and now....

My FeEt are blEEdiNg.....

I winch at the sting on my feet and honestly i swear on my missing airpod im about to pass out when i saw the blood coming out from my feet.Then, Taehyun carry me to the nurse's office . On the way to there ,my heart was beating so fast cause my fUcKing crush carry me.

When we got there he put me down on the bed and the school nurse started her work on my feet. I didnt notice that i am crying until taehyun wipe my tears.
"hey it not gonna hurt okay?"he hug me and patted my head while stroking my back to calm me down.

'fuckkk i wish that we gonna lile this forever.'

After the nurse done she said to us
"next time be careful and watch over your clumsy little girlfriend" my eyes widen and taehyun just laugh at my reaction and put his hand around me then replied

"yes mam"

The nurse chuckled and mumbled loud enough for us to hear.

"young love"
I blush so hard like there is no tomorrow.
"you good?" he ask while sitting beside me. I only nodded.

"use your word petal"

" yes taehyun im fine and thank you for helping me"
He smile at me sweetly and say
"my pleasure"

I look over the clock and its already 3 pm. 'shit how am i go home?'

" i can carry you home tho"
I shake my head ." i dont want to be a burden to you" he laugh.
"but you're not so....."
He kneel down and signal me to climb on his back.
I sigh at first i wanted to reject cause i can just call yeji or lia unnie but bitch this is my only chance to closer to him. I hop on his back and he carry me first to the locker to get our bag and there are many stare and whisper.
' omg tf is happening'
'are they dating or something'
'bruh what if they did it and she can't walk'then the person laugh with his friend
I feel very uncomfortble when i heard that.

" don't listen to them. okay petal?" he suddenly say and i replied "ok"
Then he said something that makes me fall even harder to him.

"thats my girl"

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