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Soobin Pov

as soon as i wake up. I quickly check the time.

"ok it's still 10 am you got plenty of time to make yourself good and neat for Lia" i mumble and go to the kitchen for some water.Beomgyu also there eating cereal while playing with his phone. I literally finish drinking the whole ass water bottle.

"damn.....soobin hyung did you not drink water before?" i just replied "i didn't get a single drop of water yesterday." I grab a bread for my breakfast and i stretch my body. 

I wash up and wear a white shirt and a black jeans. I did my hair carefully and wear perfume. I look at myself at the mirror. I didn't realise Huening kai actually standing there and watching me get ready.

"where are you going hyung?" i replied while wearing my accessories "dog cafe" his eyes lit up and ask "can i come with you?" 

"no" "pleaseeeeee pretty please?" "no" "hyunnnngggg please" he whine at me nonstop.

"jesus fine i ask my friend first ok."he nodded happily. I grab my phone and call Lia.

"umm hello?" i can hear her cute morning voice."well good morning Lia about that dog cafe ...can i bring one of my member?"she chuckled and say "of course ..who you will bring tho?"

"ohh it Huening Kai"  "ohh ok then " 

"bye Lia sshi" "bye soobin" i smile at her voice. After i hang up , Kai quickly ask me

"so can i come ?" i nodded and he yelled 'yess' and run out the bathroom.


Third person Pov

After the duo finish getting ready. They bid the other members 'goodbye' and Soobin can feel his heartbeat getting faster because of excitement. As for Hueningkai he didn't expect god would be so kind to him today.

The boys arrived first. They both sit down and while waiting for Lia. Huening kai decide to play with some dog on the floor. Soobin ordered drinks for Hueningkai and also for Lia. They wait for a while then the cafe door open and Lia came in with someone.

"hey Soobin" Lia wave at him. Soobin give her a smile then wave back at her. Lia sit down beside him and said.

" i actually bring one of my friend here also." Soobin nodded and replied

"good then the more the merrier" 

Suddenly a dog jump on Lia and make itself comfortable on her lap. "awwww look it's so cute".

While as for Hueningkai he didn't realise that Soobin's friend already arrive cause he is too busy playing with some dog.

"oh Huening kai?" he heard some one is calling him and when he turn back. He didn't except Yuna would be here. "ohh it's you Yuna " he facial expression even become more happier.

Yuna smile and join him to sit down. He ask her while feeding the dog on his lap.

"soo what are doing here?" she point at Lia and replied "i'm here with my unnie ...she wanted to meet up with her friend so i decide to tag along...." he nodded and ask the girl if she wanted to go to the arcade after this. Yuna said 'yes' obviously cause she don't want to lose the chance to go somewhere with a handsome boy.

While Soobin and Lia are just talking and feeding some dog. Then Soobin accidentally spilled his drinks on Lia making the dog on Lia's lap shock and bite Lia's arm. Soobin quickly take the dog off Lia  and notice that Lia is bleeding. He is lowkey throwing the dog off Lia.

"jesus let me help you with that Lia" he try to grab her hand but Lia push his hand away thenLia stand up and ran outside. Soobin chase after her and grab her wrist. He notice that she bleeding pretty heavily. Lia try to get away from him but before she can do that Soobin pulled up her sleeve.

He was so shock cause there are multiply cut on her arm and he heard sniffled when he look at her. She is crying. "L-lia what happen?" Soobin cover back her cut and hug her. "let's go to my place.." she shake her head. "noo what about your member?"

" i have my own personal apartment Lia ..let's go right now and treat your wound..and also you owe me some explaining ok..." she nodded. Soobin text Huening kai that something happen and he couldn't join them.

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