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Lia Pov

as i walk into my room i burst into crying. "the hell is wrong with me......."i muttered then i laid down my bed. I take out my phone and look at Instagram then as i was scrolling down i happen to saw Soobin picture and i just realise i haven't text him. I go to my contact and call him. He actually answer my call.

"hey soobin?"

"oh it's you Lia so how does it goes?" hearing his voice really make me feel a bit better.

"umm how about you go first?"he chuckled and say

"ok then it went well and ......actually my boss didn't scold me that much the one who is really mad at me for no reason is my manager."

"really? hahahaha me too actually" he giggled then continue to talk

"but then my manager apologize for being dramatic after i told him what really happen...he is a funny guy"

"wow.....lucky you then...i wish my manager was like that" 

"what do you mean Lia sshi?" i chuckled and said "ohh nothing i'm just joking " he suddenly ask me "umm do wanna meet up tomorrow.."

"ok why?" he just replied "you know just chill at a dog cafe..are you good with that?"

i smile at his answer and said "sure let meet up tomorrow then at noon ok.." 

"ok bye lia sshi.." i replied "bye soobin" i hang up and just stare at the ceiling. My mind is filled with my manager's word. 


After meeting with JYP i was on my way back to the dorm then my manager call me. I answer it and she said "let meet up at my apartment .."that it and she hung up. Her apartment is not that far away. I actually feel a bit nervous meeting with her. 

When i arrive i ring at her doorbell and she open the door with an angry face. " come in.." i let myself in she close the door harshly making me jump.

"what wrong manager nim?" she chuckled and say " you need to be careful when you're at public Lia ..look at this mess" she throw some paper at my face. I look at it and it was a picture of me and soobin.

" do you realise that you have many haters than the rest of the members.... look at you......fat like a pig and now you're jumping on some random idol..wow good job Lia you just bring down your whole group.....stop acting like a fucking hoe and behave yourself and would it kill you to diet and exercise cause you look ugly..if you continue acting like this ITZY will lose many fan because of you" 

i can feel tears building up in my eyes and the next thing she really torn me into pieces.

"gosh i don't even know why JYP pick you as one of the members...now get out eyesore" i quickly get out from the apartment and walk back to dorm with tears streaming down my face.

~~end of flashback ~'

now tears are streaming down me face. I keep asking myself.

'i'm i that ugly...'

'i need to diet so that i don't look like a pig'

'is it true that i'm the one who is bringing itzy down' 

'im so fucking weak'

i wipe my tears and continue to look at instagram . Recently we just post our group picture and i saw many hate comment.

'eww itzy literally has no visual'

'itzy would be famous by now if Lia isn't in the group'

'they look so fake'

'they can't even sing and they still win the rookie of the year'

'Lia will be a bit pretty if she lose all of her baby fat'

I can hear the voices inside my head. My vision getting blurry and i can feel that i'm having a hard time to breathe and i rush to the bathroom. My hand are shaking and trembling while searching for that thing.

I open my cabinet and found my old switchblade. Slowly i let it cut my arm once the blood is flowing out from my arm. I sigh of relief.

 A couple more cut on my arm. I take off my pants and sit down on the floor. I slowly carve the word 'ugly', 'fat', 'pathetic' and 'weak' on my thigh. Now there are blood covering the bathroom floor.

"you deserve it Lia..."i mutter to myself.

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