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•||Ch14: Going Abroad||•

||Shanze POV||

At noon, Taiama sent me to my parents house so I could meet them. I just saw them last night but I was missing them so much and I was very happy with her decision. Thankfully Zeeshan didn't drop me off or else one of us would die today or tried to kill the other. 

Mom and dad both sat beside me on each side and were talking to me. A big grin was also stretched on my lips and I completely forgot about the existence of Zeeshan. 

After talking to both of them, I went to Mahira's room and knocked on her door. On receiving no answer, I entered her room and heard the sounds of water hitting the tiles from the washroom. I sat on her bed and looked around her room. My eyes fell on a pack of medicine. With a frown, I picked the pack of medicine and turned it to see the name of it but my phone rang. I picked my phone and saw it was Zeeshan. 


"I will pick you before dinner," With this forced sentence he disconnected the call. 


I could tell from his voice, he was forced to say this and the sweetness in his voice was faked. I locked my phone and placed it on the bed and divert my attention back to the medicine but it was quickly snatched from my hands. 

"Shanze, when did you come? Why has no one informed me?" Mahira asked, throwing the medicine in the drawer and quickly pulled me in a hug. 

"You were having shower when I came," I answered her and pulled away from the hug. 

"What's this medicine for?" I asked her pointing at the drawer where she threw it. 

"Painkiller," She said shrugging her shoulders with a smile. 

"Tell me how are you?" She asked changing the subject. 

We both continued talking and soon it was night time when Zeeshan came to pick me up, making me upset because I wanted to spend more time with them. After having dinner with my parents and Mahira, we both bid bye to them and climbed in the car. I waved bye with a sad smile and sighed quietly when he drove away. 

The whole ride was silent and I was thankful for this silence. I closed my eyes and leaned against the window. When we reached home, I quickly climbed out of the car and went inside, greeted everyone. Taiama had made tea for everyone for which I was thankful. 

Tea is life. 

After having tea, I felt relaxed and Zeeshan went to our room. Taiama informed me about the next day's lunch and dinner at grandparents' house.

"Shanze, go and sleep well. You must be tired," Taiama said patting my shoulder. 

I nodded my head and went to my room. Zeeshan was sitting on the couch near the window with his laptop on his lap. The sound of typing was so loud like he was not pressing the keys but dancing on it. I bit my tongue to stop myself from stopping him because it would lead to a fight which I didn't want with him right now. 

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