Chapter 12 - A saviour from the darkness

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As my feet hit the ground, I began to feel the worry spread though my veins, clasping around my chest and threatening to choke me. What if this didn't work? What if we got caught? What if we didn't manage to knock out the people on the other side of that door?

I felt my breathing become more uneasy, and my heartrate quickly increased.

Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to push the worries away. Instead I remembered a phrase Eve always liked to use when she tried to convince me about something I felt sceptical about.

"Maybe it will be a completely catastrophe, but you don't know until you have tried."

Clinging to that thought, I turned my gaze to Sam who looked around to check if everything was clear.

He nodded contented to himself, when everything seemed fine, and turned around to face me.

"Are you ready?"

"As ready as I can be," I answered, trying not to sound like the nervous mess I was.

Sam's face lit up, the excitement radiating from his body.

"Alright then. Let's do this," he breathed, as he took a step back, ready to kick the door in.

As Sam's body collided with the hard surface... Nothing happened.

"Shit!" Sam hissed in pain, clasping his left hand over his right shoulder.

"Are you alright," I asked, trying my best to stifle my giggles.

Sam quickly let go of his shoulder and stood a little taller, seeming quite embarrassed.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

The door suddenly opened, revealing a dark-skinned woman in white. As she realised who we were her eyes widened.

Panic quickly rushed over me. And without thinking, my fist connected with her cheek sending her to the ground unconsciousness.

Hard bones.

I looked down at the woman on the floor with wide eyes then on my still clenched fist. That punch must have felt like being hit with someone wearing a pair of knuckle dusters.

I snapped back to reality when the sound of sirens cut through the air.


"I guess we have to speed up," Sam said, before he ran into the room, even though it was hard to hear through the constant sound of the sirens.

I quickly followed Sam inside, trying my best to ignore the constant high-pitched sound which felt like only getting higher each second.

There were two White-coats in the room, one of them was already laying on the ground, struggling under Sam's body weight even though he was twice his size.

The other, a thin red-haired man with a big full beard, had grabbed a fire extinguisher from the wall and was now aiming it for Sam's head.

But before he could hit his target, I tackled him to the ground, throwing punches at his face.

I hit him in his square jaw sending a rush of pain through my hand.

My other punch hit his nose, which made a nasty crunching sound under me, indicating that it clearly had broken.

Unfortunately, when I showed my fist back, getting ready for another punch, the engineer gripped my fist firmly before it could hit.

He gave me a vicious smile before he head-butted me and kicked me of with ease.

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