Chapter 6 Movies

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Acatalepsy:  the impossibility to truly comprehend anything.

"When life gives you a rainy day, play in the puddles".

-Pooh Bear 

Mira's P.O.V.

I groaned softly as I was awakened by the sunlight in my eyes. I rolled over in my bed, trying to escape the deadly sunlight. A chuckle was heard from the doorframe, across where my bed was. My eyes slowly opened up, the brown orbs shining in the sunlight. I looked over and saw my boyfriend standing there, his brown hair shining in the light, his soft smile directed at me.

I smiled as I sat up, using my elbows to prop me up. I said "Hey, come on", in a sleepy, groggy voice, as I patted the spot next to me on my bed. Embry smiled as he came over, easily crawling into the bed, wrapping his arms around me. I rolled over so that I could lay my head on his chest, I slowly closed my eyes.

I said, "We should stay like this". Embry chuckled, his chest rumbling while he did it. He said, "I wish we could, but, we have school". I groaned in annoyance at him, I tightened my grip on him. I said "No, we don't have to go today. Let's just rest".

Embry chuckled as he also tightened his hold on me, he said "Fine. But, don't get mad at me when Paul comes in here". I rolled my eyes and said, "Well, I'll just bite him". A laugh came from the doorway, a deep voice said: "I'll like to see you try, Mir". I looked over my shoulder and saw Paul standing there with a huge grin, I rolled my eyes as I snuggled back into Embry, I said "Go away. I'm trying to sleep here". I heard him scoff, he said "Fine, but don't do anything bad".

I rolled my eyes as I slowly closed them, I said "Wouldn't dream of it. Don't want you to hurt my boyfriend". Paul smirked, he said "I wouldn't hurt him. I would just make sure he wouldn't hurt you again". I felt Embry shiver, even though he produced a lot of body heat, I grinned down at him and said "Sure". Paul soon left the room, leaving Embry and I to fall back to sleep.

~*~*~*Time Skip~*~*~*

My brown orbs met with another pair of brown ones. I smiled as I sat up from the bed, and stretched my tired muscles. I turned around so that I could see Embry, he had a smile on his face, he said "Good morning". I let out a soft snort, I said "Morning". He wrapped his arms around my middle and pulled me back down, he said: "Let's stay like this, you're too warm".

I chuckled as I stayed laying there, it was very comfortable. A kind and warm voice spoke from the doorway, it said: "Breakfast is ready". We both looked over and saw a smiling Emily, I nodded my head and got up from the bed. Embry groaned from where he still laid, he said "Nooo, come back", as he made grabby hands. Emily laughed and left the room, I smiled down at Embry, leaned down and gave him a kiss.

I pulled away from his lips, I said: "Come on, I'm starving". Embry nodded his head, quickly got out of the bed. He wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked down the stairs, Jared grinned from where he sat at the table, he said: "Ohh, I wonder what the two of you were doing?". I rolled my eyes as I sat down next to him, I said "Sleeping, you should try it sometime. Maybe if you got your beauty sleep, then you'll look half as good as I do". Sam and Emily laughed and giggled from where they stood in the kitchen, Jared rolled his eyes, he said: "Are you sure about that?".

A low growl slipped between my lips as I glared at him with my brown eyes, into his own pair of brown eyes. I stood up from my chair, and said: "Wanna say that again?". Jared grinned as he also stood up, he said "Yeah, I will. Your sleeping wouldn't match my bea-", he was stopped mid-sentence since a punch was launched at him, hitting him straight in the face. I could hear the scraps of the chairs moving, indicating everyone had stood up, Emily immediately going into the kitchen, which was a good thing. Jared's brown orbs shot over at me, his shoulder shaking from how furious he was.

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