Chapter 10 Funerals

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Mizpah:  the deep emotional bond between people, especially those separated by distance or death.

"Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day... unseen, unheard, but still always near, still loved, still missed and very dear".


Mira's P.O.V.

It has been a couple of days since Leah had attacked me. I was fully healed, the wounds no more. As I was down, Seth had also shifted, making our pack bigger. Sam is making sure he goes to school like the rest of us, he's the only one that doesn't really have a quick fuse, he's more like an adorable puppy. When Seth heard that he had to go to school, he didn't like it, he probably heard that the rest of us didn't go to school some of the time.

At the moment, I was at my dad's house instead of Emily's, getting ready for Harry's funeral that was today. I had a black dress that went just above my knees and some black heels. I straightened my hair and put it in a ponytail, my makeup was a neutral look. I put a note that I had in my black purse, it was for when I talked at Harry's funeral.

 I put a note that I had in my black purse, it was for when I talked at Harry's funeral

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A knock at my door took me out of my deep thoughts. I looked up and saw a sad-looking Embry standing there, he held his hand out for me to take. I gave him a weak smile as I walked over to him, placing my hand into his larger one. We both walked down the stairs and out the door, heading towards his truck that was parked.

The drive to where the funeral was placed was silent and short. Sue wanted the funeral in the woods, on the Rez. When the twenty-minute was over, Embry opened his door and made his way over to me, helping me out of the truck and wrapping his arm around me as we walked. Dad was sitting with Billy and Sue, comforting them for the loss of their friend. Embry migrated us towards the pack, Leah and Seth with their mother for the funeral.

We all took our seats when the funeral started. People went up and talked about how such a great guy Harry was. When most of the people went up, I finally stood up from my spot. I could feel the looks I was getting as I walked up to the makeshift podium. When I stood in front of the people, which was a lot since Harry was very loved, I gave them a weak smile, some giving it back.

I took a deep breath as I started off with my speech that I wrote. I said "I knew Harry since I was a little girl, he was like a second father to me like Billy was. He would sometimes pick me up from school since my dad would be working overtime, always having a snack for me when I got out, with a huge smile on his face. He was a very loved man, from being a father, a husband, even a close friend. He w-will be missed v-very deeply". My voice got caught as I finished. With my great hearing, I heard ruffling from behind all the people, and soon a very beautiful brown wolf popped out, looking at me with intense dark brown eyes. I could feel like it was trying to comfort me with its eyes, his eyes looking sad as he looked at me.

 I could feel like it was trying to comfort me with its eyes, his eyes looking sad as he looked at me

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That was when I knew that this could be Harry. A sob ripped out between my lips as I crumbled to the ground, dad and Embry rushing over to me, helping me up. Dad placed a hand on my shoulder in a comforting way, he said: "Shh, Mira, it's okay". I slowly shook my head, keeping eye contact with the wolf the whole time, I said "N-no, i-its not. Harry's gone, and h-he's never coming back". Dad gave a sad smile, his lips trembling but he bit his lip before he could let out a sob, he looked at Embry and said "Can you take care of her? I have to go help Sue".

Embry nodded his head as he collected me in his strong arms, he said "I got you, Mi, I got you", as he held me tighter as I cried. I placed my hand in his dark hair as I cried into his shoulder, burying my face into his neck to cover my sobs. Embry walked us over towards the group, slowly moving us as we walked. He said sweet nothings in my ear to comfort me, his arms tightly wrapped around me. The pack patted my head and back in comfort, when I felt Sam's large hand on my back, I detached myself from Embry and into Sam's embrace, him holding me tightly.

 The pack patted my head and back in comfort, when I felt Sam's large hand on my back, I detached myself from Embry and into Sam's embrace, him holding me tightly

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Sam said sweet nothings as he comforted me, I pulled my head away from his chest. I looked up at him with my tear stained face, I said "I t-think Harry i-is in a go-ood place". Sam gave a soft, small smile, he nodded his head as he said "I think so too, Little Wolf". I placed my head on his chest and closed my eyes, I then felt the whole pack hug us, giving love and support to get threw this day. It was then that I knew, I was deeply loved by these people, bringing a small smile to my lips.

I said "I love you guys, so much. Please, don't leave. I don't know what I would do if that would happen". They slowly pulled away from the hug, they all said their love yours. Jared gently pulled me away from Sam to look at him, he said: "We will never ever leave you, Little Moon, I can promise you that". I looked around at the pack, them nodding their heads at Jared's little speech. I smiled and gave them a huge smile, I said "Thank you, really. You don't know how much that means to me".

Emily smiled softly at me as she gently placed her hand on my cheek, cupping it. She said "You do not need to thank us. We are here for you", as she brought me into a hug. After the whole love confession, we moved over to Emily's house for some food.

Word Count:  1,136

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