Chapter 11 Coming Back

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Nemesism:  frustration, anger, or aggression directed inward, toward oneself and one's way of living.

"You shouldn't give circumstances the power to rouse anger, for they don't care at all".

- Marcus Aurelius

Mira's P.O.V.

It has been a couple of more days since Bella left, and Harry's funeral. When dad had read the small note she left, he was livid. When he asked me about where she went, I told him that she went with Alice to help her with Edward. He said that when she does come back, that she was going to be grounded for life. I was super pleased when he said that, he also said that he was glad that I stayed home with him.

I was at my dad's house with Embry. We were in the living room, watching a show, Game of Thrones. We had started it from the very beginning, I had already had it, so I made Embry watch it. Whenever there was a sex scene, we would just skip threw it, not really interested in the scene.

I had my head on his chest as we laid on the couch, watching the show. As we watched the show, the front door was opened. I knew it wasn't dad because he was at the station. I leaned my body up from Embry's since he was laying on his back while I laid on top of him, and saw Bella there in the doorway, with Edward. That's when the nasty smell graced my nose, I let out a gag from the smell.

Bella, who heard the noise, looked our way. When she saw Embry and I lay there, her face went a bright red. I kept my brown orbs on the leech, him doing the same to Embry and I. He tilted his head, he said: "When did you become a shapeshifter?". I raised a brow as I sat up, I said: "How does that have any concern towards you, you stupid leech".

Bella opened her chapped lips, she said: "Shut up, Mira". My brown orbs snapped towards her as I narrowed them at her, I said "You have no say what I can do and what I can't do. Not when you left dad and me in a hard moment. While you were gone to save him, Harry's funeral happened". She opened her mouth to say something, but there was a knock on the door. I growled when I saw nobody doing anything, so I got up from my spot on Embry and made my way towards the door. When I opened the door, I was engrossed with cold arms wrapping around me.

I growled when I saw the short curly blonde hair from my peripheral vision. I ripped myself from the person and my hand came down on their cold cheeks. My brown orbs glared into golden ones, I said "Don't you fuckin' dare touch me! You have no right!". As I backed away from him as he came towards me, warm arms wrapped around my middle, a hand placed on my side and hip. I knew it was Embry, and I could also feel his glare from over my shoulder, directed towards the blonde-haired male vampire.

Jasper glared at Embry, he took a step towards me with confusion and sadness. I stared at him and said, "This is Embry, my boyfriend". A snarl ripped out between Jasper's lips, he went to charge at him but I said "You have no right to be mad! You left me. You said you didn't love me! I moved on! Just fucking leave!". Jasper's face fell, he stood there a few minutes, staring at the ground. Jasper said, "Alex died".

I tilted my head as I looked up at Edward, who nodded his head. I raised a brow as my face remained blank, I said "You should help Alice cooperate. Help her with her loved one that left her". Jasper slowly looked up but nodded his head and then he was gone. I looked up at Embry, I said: "Let's go watch our movie". Embry nodded his head and led us over to the couch, and we went to the same position.

Bella came stomping over, standing in front of the tv. I groaned as I flopped my head on Embry's collar bone, I said: "Move your ass". Bella had a glare on her pale face, she said "Why did you say that to Jasper? Can't you see he was trying to make up with you?! How can you just push him away?". I rolled my eyes at her, I said "He's the one who left me! I don't need him in my life. I have Embry and my pack, and I know that they won't ever leave me".

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