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Dayah's POV

I sped home to my apartment pissed as fuck

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I sped home to my apartment pissed as fuck. How am I pregnant with Sin's baby at the same time as Mercedes?

The fact that he's known all this time and talked me into keeping this baby, Without informing me he'd have another child in the same age range too is sickening.

I wanted to shout back that i was pregnant too so bad, But for the sake of me and this child's life, i calmed myself.

I came to a red light and realized how hard I had my hand on the wheel.

"Calm down La'Dayah" I said to myself. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes for about 6 seconds before opening them and seeing the other cars coming to an stop.

The light turned green and I drove off with a smirk on my face.

"Don't stress it Dayah, You're mature now. But you aint never took no disrespect. Next time hit the bitch in the head like you used to do in high school" I preached to myself.

I was still uptight about everything that happened, but after i talked to myself i felt myself calm down a little.

Syx's POV

Syx's POV

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I smacked Sin across the face as hard as i could. He jumped up and grabbed his face looking just like our damn daddy at the moment.

"Syx imma fuck you up. The hell you just smack me for?" He asked.

I crossed my arms and tilted my head while disappointingly shaking it back and forth.

"No Sincere imma fuck YOU up. Why the hell didn't you tell us you have a baby on the way?" I asked.

He looked around as if he were thinking bout something. It most definitely pissed me off more cuz there wasn't shit to think about.

"Who told you that?" He asked.

"Nigga ya fucking baby mama" i fussed.

Sincere's POV

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