Check R2 for role credits.
Mainly the same roles as last time, but troublemaker has been removed due to me constantly making mistakes with it, and a new role has been added for the neutrals.
The Clan Team
Leader (1)
Your name will end in -star, and although an important clan member you do not have a nightly action. However, during the daily vote your vote counts as double.
Deputy (1)
If you investigate someone suspicious, you will be told what type of role they have, unless their role is unknown. You can investigate the same cat two nights afterwards again to try and guess what their role could be. You can investigate other cats in between.
Unknown roles: Sharpclaw, Brightheart, Heartbreaker, Concealer, Sibling, Survivor, Copycat, Starspeaker, Heavenbound, Swift, Immobiliser and the Lead Traitor.
Medicine Cat (1)
Your nightly action is healing another cat. You can heal one cat each night, and they cannot be killed by any traitor if you pick the right one. If they attack your selected cat, you will spot a physical trait of one of the traitors, although its up to you if you decide to share this. You can't heal yourself!
Medicine Cat Apprentice (1)
You don't have any night action and your name ends in paw. However, if the medicine cat dies it is your job to take over.
Starspeaker (1)
You may communicate with StarClan in your dreams and pick a dead cat to speak with (obviously not before night 2). This will not count as a nightly action as you are asleep, this keeps you hidden from lookouts.
Heavenbound (1)
You may pick a cat to resurrect once a game, although this happens in your sleep so the lookouts won't see it as a nightly action.Lookout (1)
You can choose to watch any cat you find suspicious each night. This is a nightly action, and you will be told if the cat has a nightly action or not, but you do not know if they have an innocent action or a guilty action.
Lookout Apprentice (1)
You have no nightly action/abilities and your name ends in -paw, but if the Lookout dies/is exiled then you will assume their role.
Seeker (1)
Your nightly action is investigating two cats and seeing if they are on the same or different teams, however this different team could be innocent-neutral or innocent-traitor.
Seeker Apprentice (1)
You have no nightly action/special abilities and your name ends in -paw, but if the seeker dies/is exiled you will assume their role.
Cave-Guard (1)
You are the strongest cat in the clan, and you can protect one cat each night. If they are attacked by traitors you will take the attack for them, and see a trait of the traitors, it is up to you if you wish to share this information. However, if you protect a cat and are attacked for a second time, you will die.
Cave-Guard Apprentice (1)
You are a normal apprentice with no nightly action, unless the Cave-Guard is killed or exiled, in which case you will assume their role.
Sharpclaw (1)
You are an innocent but you are quite violent. You're a normal warrior most of the time, but if you suspect a cat to be a traitor you can kill that cat in the day, and your role will be revealed. However, if you were wrong and killed an innocent/neutral, you won't be exiled but you will have accidently betrayed your team and lost them a member.
Death on the Horizon || A Warriors Mafia
Детектив / ТриллерYour Clan has broken apart into three sides, the innocents, the neutrals and the traitors. To prevent it from falling apart, you must stop the evil traitors before it's too late. Unless... You're one of them... Credit to UnitedClan and Chaos_T...