chapter 18

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The next Tuesday soon arrived and Tony found himself sitting in the OBGYN's office with Charity once again. They were in a different room. In this room the charts on the wall advertised different birth control pills. "I feel like putting charts up about nirth control in this room is pointless." Tony commented.

Charity laughed. "I think I have to agree."

Tony kissed Charity's cheek. "You are so cute when you laugh."

Charity smiled at him. "Really?"

"Yes, and you are very beautiful when you smile."

Charity leaned over and kissed Tony on the lips. She pulled back and smiled at him. "You are such a charmer."

Tony grinned at her. Then he pulled her lips back to his for a deep passionate kiss.

Dr. Lang chose this moment to walk in the room. "You two really ought to stop that. That's how you got here in the first place."

Tony and Charity broke apart, looking like they just got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

Dr. Lang laughed. "Let's get this ultrasound started and see what's going on in there."

Charity nodded. She sat back on the table.

"Lift up your shirt please." Dr. Lang said.

Charity complied and lifted her shirt to reveal her stomache.

Dr. Lang squirted some jelly on Charity's stomache.

Charity jumped at the cold of the jelly.

"Sorry, I forgot to warn you about the cold." Dr. Lang apologized.

"It's fine." Charity said.

Dr. Lang turned on the ultrsound machine and then put the wand to Charity's stomache. After moving the wand around for a few moments, the doctor then pointed to a small circle on the screen. "There's your baby."

Charity looked at the screen with a huge grin on her face. Then she turned to Tony, who was also smiling. After a few more moments the doctor stopped the ultrasound. "I'll be back in just a few moments with a copy for you."

Once the doctor brought in the ultrasound pictures and set up another appointment for the following month, Tony and Charity headed back to the navy yard. They rode up the elevator to Tony's floor together. Charity was eager to show the ultrasound pictures.

Tony and Charity stepped off the elevator. Charity saw her father setting at his desk and walked over. Gibbs looked up and smiled at her. He stood up and pulled her into a hug. "How are you feeling, baby girl?"

"I'm fine." She answered.

"How's my grandbaby?" He asked.

"Just fine." She replied and then pulled out the ultrasound pictures. "I've got the pictures."

Ziva and McGee stood up from their desks an walked over to get a look as well. Charity showed them the pictures from the ultrasound. Tony stood just behind Charity, looking over her shoulder at the pictures of their baby.

"Well, I had better head down to see Abby. She'll kill me if I don't show her the pictures. Then I have to get to work." Charity said.

"What do you do for a living?" Ziva asked Charity.

"I do home health care for this sweet old woman." Charity answered. "I really should get going though."

"I'll see you at home, baby girl." Gibbs said, pulling her in for another hug.

Charity waved to Ziva and McGee then she and Tony headed to the elevator. "I'll see you tomorrow at six?" Tony said.

"Better make it eight. I don't get off till seven."

"Okay, I'll see you then." Tony said. Then he pulled her in for a quick kiss.

Charity smiled and then stepped on the elevator and headed to show Abby the ultrasound pictures.


"DiNozzo." Gibbs called once Charity had stepped on the elevator.

"Yeah boss." Tony said as he walked over to Gibbs' desk.

"I want you to come over to the house tonight. There's something in the basement I want to show you." Gibbs said.

"Sure thing boss." Tony replied. The rest of the day, Tony spent lost in thought, trying to figure out what Gibbs would want to show him. Crap. I hope I'm not in trouble...again.

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