chapter 20

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The days came and went quickly. It was now the week before Valentine's Day. Tony and Charity sat on the couch at Tony's apartment cuddled up watching old black and white movies and eating popcorn.

"So what is ity you and Dad have been doing in the basement these passed few weeks?" Charity asked Tony.

"It's a surprise." Tony answered with a grin.

"It's driving me nuts not knowing." She said.

"Well, if I told you then it wouldn't be much of a surprise. Speaking of surprises..." Tony said, reaching behind him and pulling some kind of brochure out. He handed it to Charity.

"What's this?" She asked, opening it up.

"My Valentine's gift to you." Tony answered.

Charity looked at the brochure. "A ski resort?" She questioned.

"Well, I know there probably won't be any skiing, but this will give us a chance to do the whole romantic get-away in a cabin thing right." Tony said with a smile.

"So, next weekend?" She asked.

Tony nodded. "What do you say?"

Charity looked thoughtful for a moment. "I say...that sounds like a wonderful idea."

Tony pulled Charity closer and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

The couple sat a while longer, finishing up the movie. When the movie was over, Charity looked at the clock. "I should get going." She said, kissing Tony's cheek and standing up. She walked over and started pulling on her coat.

Tony stood up and walked over to her. He gently grabbed her wrist.

Charity turned around and looked up at him, a question in her eyes.

"Stay?" Tony asked. Then he pulled her in for a pasionate kiss.

Charity dropped her coat to the floor and wrapped her arms around Tony.

Tony broke the kiss. He leaned his forehead against hers and looked deep into her eyes. "I love you, Charity." He said, without a second thought.

Charity's breath caught in her throat and butterflies filled her stomache. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "I love you, too, Tony." She said.

Tony then scooped her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom, where they made love until exhastion took over and they fell asleep.

Tony awoke the next day, Charity sound asleep in his arms. He watched her as she slept. He knew he needed to get up and get ready for work, but he didn't want to wake her up, she looked so peaceful. After a few moments he decided to wake her gently. He kissed the tip of her nose.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty." He said.

She wrinkled her nose and squeezed her eyes shut tight. Then she snuggled closer to Tony. "Just five more minutes. I don't wanna go to school today, Daddy." She said.

"You did not just call me Daddy." He said.

Charity mumbled something incoherently.

Tony moved his hands down to Charity's sides. He wiggled his fingers along her skin, tickling her. Then he kissed her forehead, her nose, her lips, and then her chin. "You need to wake up."

Charity let out a small giggle and pushed Tony's hands away. "Alright you win. I'm awake." She replied opening her eyes.

Tony grinned at her. He pulled her close for a kiss. "You are so beautiful in the morning."

"Really? With my hair all a mess and my morning breath?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I like your hair all 's sexy." Tony answered. "And what morning breath?"

"You must really be in love with me then." She replied.

"I am." Tony said, grinning.

Charity caught a glimpse of the clock on the nightstand behind Tony. Her eyes became wide. "Oh crap! I'm late!" she rolled out of bed and then started scrambling for her clothes.

"You're already late, you may as well take your time." Tony said. "That's my plan."

"I'm surprised you aren't in an even bigger hurry than I am. I mean considering who your boss is."

"Well, if your dad were going to kill me he would have done so when he found out you were having my baby."

"Good point."

A little while later...

Tony arrived to work two hours late. Gibbs looked up at Tony from his desk. "DiNozzo, why are you so late this morning?"

"I...uhm...overslept." Tony answered, not wanting to tell Gibbs of his activities with Charity.

Gibbs then just stared at him for a moment and then went back to his paperwork.

Tony walked over to his desk and realized he had finished all of his paperwork. He picked up his cell phone and started scrolling through his contacts. He came to his father's number and hit the send button. After a few short seconds he heard, "This number has been disconnected."

Tony hung up his phone, a frustrated look on his face. Tony sat in thought for a moment. Then he decided to use his resouces as federal agent to locate his father.

"What are you doing, Tony?" McGee inquired.

"Nothing, McGeek." Tony said.


Charity arrived at the residence of Mrs. Elizabeth Gardener, or as she preferred to be called Memaw. Charity walked in the woman's living room. "Sorry, I'm late Sherry.' She said to the other home care worker.

"It's fine." Sherry replied. "Well, I'll see you tonight."

"okay, have a good day."

'You too." Sheery replied and then left.

Charity walked into the old woman's sun room. She was sitting in her favorite chair, where she could catch the sun's rays. "Sorry, I'm late Memaw." Charity said walking over to the woman.

"It's perfectly fine Dumplin." The old woman replied. Then she looked up at Charity with those knowing green eyes. "You have a good reason."

Charity looked at the woman suspiciously. ""

"Please dumplin. I may be old and it may have been a while since I've been with a man, but I do remember the morning after look."

"I can't hide anything from you can I Memaw."

The two women shared a laugh and then they went about their daily routine.

Later that night...

Tony was once again in the basement with Gibbs, working on the crib. "Did you build a crib like this for Charity?" Tony asked, curious.

"I wasn't able to." Gibbs answered. "I was stationed overseas."

"Oh." Tony said.

The two men then worked in silence, save for the sound of music coming from the kitchen and Charity dancing across the floor. Gibbs and Tony worked with smiles on their faces, both thinking about the woman they loved and the baby she was carrying.

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