chapter 25

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Tony sat at his desk staring at his computer screen. He was using technology and his resources as a federal agent to locate and record of where his father had been and where he might be now. After a while, his computer froze up. He glared at the computer screen.

"What's the matter Tony?" McGee asked, a taunting smile on his face. "Your computer givng you problems?"

"No, my father is." Tony answered, frustrated.

"What are you talking about?" McGee asked.

"Nothing." Tony answered. He stood up and walked to the elevator. He pushed the down button and then stepped on when the doors opened. When he stepped back off of the elevator, he headed down the hall and entered Abby's lab.

Music was playing and Abby was dancing around her lab. She spun around and saw Tony. She noticed the frustrated look on his face. She walked over to him and hugged him. Then she looked up at him. "What's wrong Tony?" She asked when she broke the hug.

Tony let out a sigh. "I can't find my father." He answered.

"You want to tell him about his grandson." Abby said, a statement not a question.

Tony answered anyway. "Yeah."

"You want me to help you." She stated once again.

"Exactly." Tony answered again.

"I'll do my best." She answered, She then walked over to her computer and started to work her magic.

"Thanks Abs." Tony said.

"No problem Tony." She replied. "I'll do anything for family."

After the work day was over, Tony headed over to the Gibbs' residence. He and Gibbs were going to try and finish up the crib. On the way there, Tony's phone rang. "Hello beautiful. I'll be there in just a few minutes."

"Could you stop by the store and pick up a few things first?" Charity asked in an extra sweet voice. "I'm having some really bad cravings."

"Text me a list and I'll pick it up." Tony replied.

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you, too." He said. He hung up and soon his phone was ringing. When he arrived at the store he picked up his phone and read the list Charity had texted him: bagel bite pizzas, chocolate whipped cream, peanut butter, pretzels, and oreos. Tony looked confused, but picked up the items anyway.

Tony soon arrived at Gibbs' house. He was greeted at the door by Charity. She gave him a quick kiss and took the bag from him. "You are the best." She told him.

"I know." Tony said. "So are you going to eat all of this stuff combined into one dish?"

She looked up at him. "Of course not. I'm going to put the chocoalte whipped cream on the bagel bite pizzas. The peanut butter goes with the pretzels and the oreos."

Tony just looked at her. "Yuck."

"Hey, don't knock it until you try it." She teased. She then put the bagel bites in the oven. "Besides, it's what your son is telling me to eat."

Tony laughed. "I don't believe you, blaming our son."

Gibbs came up from the basement. "You're late DiNozzo."

"It's my fault, Daddy. I had a craving." Charity said.

Gibbs looked at his daughter. "What kind of craving?"

"Pizza and whipped cream, oreos pretzels and peanut butter." She answered.

"That's what your mother ate when she was pregnant with you."

"I knew it wasn't our son." Tony teased.

Charity couldn't help herself, she stuck her toung out at Tony.

"We have a lot of work to do, come on DiNozzo." Gibbs said.

Tony gave Charity a kiss on the cheek and then headed down in the basement with Gibbs. As they worked, Tony was lost in thought, trying to figure out how he could find his father.

"I'm sure Abby will find him for you." Gibbs said.

Tony looked up at Gibbs. "How did you know?"

Gibbs just stared at Tony.

"Right, you just know." Tony said.

The two men worked in silence the rest of the heard someone knock on the door and Charity go to answer it. They heard some words exchanged and then whoever the visitor was left and the door was shut. All was quiet after that.

Gibbs and Tony soon finished up for the night. They hadn't been able to finish the crib, but they were almost done. "We should be able to finish up tomorrow."

"I'll pick up the mattress tomorrow." Tony said.

Gibbs nodded. Then the two men headed up the stairs. They found Charity stretched across the couch, sound asleep. They debated on waking her up or not, but soon decided to just let her sleep. Gibbs took a blanket from the closet and civered his daughter up. Then he headed to his room. Tony walked over to the couch. He kissed her forehead and then headed back to his apartment. When he arrived, he couldn't help, but think about how empty his apartment felt. This place doesn't feel like a home. He thought as he climbed in bed. Then he decided what he needed to do.

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