chapter 21

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Tony arrived at Ms. Gardener's house to pick Charity up for their weekend get-a-way. He got out of his car and walked up to the door and knocked. Charity opened the door and greeted him with a smile. "Come in." She said stepping aside. "Sherry is running a little late."

Tony walked in the door. "Okay, so I get to meet Ms. Gardener?"

"Yes, you get to meet Memaw." She answered. "She's in the sun room." They walked in the sun room and found Memaw in her favorite chair. "Hey, Memaw."

"Hello dumplin." The old woman said, smiling fondly at Charity. Then she looked up and saw Tony. "You must be the young man that charmed the panties off of my little dumplin."

Tony laughed nervously. "That would be me."

Memaw stood up from her chair and walked to stand in front of Tony. She looked him up and down. "Well, I can see how you did it." She commented. "You're a handsome little devil."

"Why thank you Ms. Gardener." Tony said politely, smiling.

"Please darlin, call me Memaw."

"Alright, Memaw." Tony said.

"So, tell me about yourself, Tony." Memaw said.

"What would you like to know?" Tony asked.

"Let's start with something easy...when and where were you born?" She asked. After Tony answered her, she then started asking him a series of questions. She was giving him the third degree, she was a super interragator.

Soon Sheery arrived. Charity put on her coat and then walked over to Memaw. "I'll see you Monday afternoon." She then hugged the woman.

"Alright, dumplin. You have a good time on your trip." Then she looked over at Tony. "You be careful with my little dumplin. You keep her safe."

"I will." Tony said.

Tony and Charity then headed out the door and hopped in the car. "That is one spunky old woman." Tony said.

Charity laughed. "She keeps me on my toes."

"You really care about her, don't you?" Tony commented.

Charity smiled fondly. "She's like a grandmother to me."

"You know, I think we could use her at NCIS." Tony remarked.

"What for?" Charity asked, suspiciously.

"She's great at interrogation. I think she may even be better than your dad."

Charity laughed. "You think she could get a suspect to crack faster than dad, huh?"

"If anyone could do it, Memaw could."

Tony and Charity both laughed. Charity looked over at Tony. "We need to talk baby names."

"No we don't." Tony said, a sly smile.

"Why do you say that?" Charity asked.

"I told you already, DiNozzos can't have girls so it has to be a boy. His name will be Anothony D. DiNozzo just like his dad and grandfather." Tony answered with a laugh.

"Well even if you're right and it iss a boy, I think the world has enough Anthony D. DiNozzos already." Charity said with a laugh.

"What name would you pick then?" Tony asked.

"Well, for a boy I like the names Owen and Harrison." Charity answered. "For a girl I like the name Kelly May, after my sister." She answered.

"What about the middle name for a boy?" Tony asked.

"Well, do you have an open mind about this?" Charity asked.

"Well, I'm giving up having my son named after me, I'd say I have an open mind." Tony answered.

"Okay," Charity began, "this name is just a middle name and it can be used for either a boy or girl."

"Some of those names that can go either way are more boy names than girls names." Tony said.

"Well I was thinking Kelly for the middle name, after my sister." Charity replied.

Tony sat silent for a moment, just looking at the road ahead of him.

"Tony?" Charity asked.


"You haven't said anything since I mentioned Kelly as the middle name for a boy."

"That's because I'm trying to think of a delicate way to say that I don't like that name for a boy. Not even as a middle name." Tony answered.

"Why not?" Charity asked, her emotions instantly getting to her.

"He'll get made fun of." Tony answered. "Do you want our son to get made fun of?"

"No, but it's a middle name. Nobody new my middle name in school and no one knows your middle name now." She countered.

"But still. I mean boys should have manly names. Kelly isn't manly at all." Tony said.

The rest of the car ride was spent in silence. When they arrived at the cabin, Charity went inside and headed straight for the bedroom. She locked herself in and Tony out.

Tony carried their bags in and then headed up the steps and to the bedroom. He tried to open the door, but quickly realized that it was locked. He knocked on the door. "Charity, let me in." He said. Tony waited, but there was no response. He sighed and went back down the steps. He plopped down on the couch. "Maybe she just needs some time alone." Tony spoke to no one in particualr.

He waited a couple hours and still Charity didn't come down. He walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. She was still giving him the silent treatment. He went back down to sit on the couch. "This is not at all how I thought I would be spending tonight." Tony spoke aloud. He ended up falling asleep on the couch.

It was about two in the morning when Charity decided to walk down the stairs. She found Tony asleep on the couch. She walked over to him and sat on the edge of the couch cushion. She sat and watched him for a few moments, then she placed a hand on his shoulder and gently shook him.

Tony's eyes popped open. "Hey." He said, setting up.

"Hey." She replied.

They sat in silence for a few moments. "I'm sorry..." They both began at the same time. They laughed weakly.

"I'll go first." Charity said.

"No, please let me." Tony replied.

"Okay." Charity consented.

"I shouldn't have just rejected using Kelly as the middle name for our son."

"You mean if it turns out to be a boy." Charity said.

"Yeah." Tony said. "I know that it would mean a lot to you to use name the baby after your sister. I should have thought about it for a little longer."

Charity looked at Tony. "Can I go now?"

Tony laughed. "Go ahead."

"I should have thought about it, too. I mean it would mean a lot to me to name the baby after my sister, but it wouldn't be fair to our baby, if it turns out to be a boy, to give him a girl's name. Even if it is just a middle name." Charity said. "You were right."

Tony looked bewildered.

Charity looked at him. "What?"

"I've never had a woman tell me I was right before." He answered. "I'm not sure how to handle this."

Charity laughed. "Well, we could just go upstairs and make up." She replied.

"I like the way you think." Tony responded with a smile.

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