chapter 23

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Tony sat on the couch snuggled up with Charity. Unconsciously he was rubbing her slightly swollen stomache. He kissed her forehead. "So how much longer do do we have to wait before we find out if Chony is a boy or girl?" He asked.

"We have to wait till May." Charity answered.

"That's two months away." Tony complained.

Charity laughed. "And we may not even find out then. The baby could be shy."

Tony chuckled. "DiNozzo's aren't shy."

Charity looked at him. "This baby is also a Gibbs."

"True, but you don't seem so shy." Tony responded.

Charity playfully slapped his arm. "You're lucky I love you."

"Yes, I am." Tony replied, then he kissed her softly on the lips.

The next couple pf months came and went. May had finally arrived and Charity's stomache had swollen quite a bit more. It was the day of her ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby. She was sitting with Memaw while she waited for Sherry to arrive.

"So, what do you think Memaw?" Charity inquired.

"About what dumplin?" Memaw asked.

"Do you think it's a boy or girl?"

Memaw looked at Charity's stomache. "A boy." She answered.

Charity grinned. "Have you been talking to Tony?"

"No." The old woman laughed. "You're carrying low and in the front. If it were a girl, you'd be carrying high and you would have a butt the size of Texas."

Charity laughed.

sherry soon arrived and Charity was on her way to NCIS to pick up Tony. Just as she started her car, her phone rang. She picked it up and looked at the caller id. Then she answered the phone.


The team was working on a case and they had just gotten a hot new lead. Unfortunately, the lead had brought them to suspect someone in the agency was the mastermind. Once they told the director what was up, he had NCIS put on lockdown.

They sat in the cinference room with th director, going over their list of suspects. Tony looked up at the clock. "Crap." He mumbled.

"What, DiNozzo?" The director asked.

"Charity's doctor's appointment is today. In just an hour. We are supposed to find out the sex of the baby." Tony answered.

"You can call her and let her know you can't be there." Director Vance told Tony.

"Thanks." Tony said. He then pulled out his cell phone and called Charity.

"Hey Tony, what's up?" came her sweet voice.

"I'm not going to be able to make it to the ultrasound today." Tony told her, dread in his voice.

"Why not?" She asked, sounding hurt.

"We are under a lockdown right now." He answered. "I wish I could be there, but I can't."

"I know." Charity said, trying to be rational, but finding her horemones wouldn't let her. "Just call me when I can come see you. I'll bring the pictures."

"Okay, I will." Tony said, feeling like a heel. "I love you, babe."

"I love you, too." She said, doing her best to keep the tears out of her voice.

Then they hung up. I feel like a huge jerk right now. Tony thought to himself.


After Charity was able to calm herself down, she drove to her OBGYN's office. She was led to an exam room and waited for Dr. Lang to arrive. When Dr. Lang entered the room she looked around. "No baby daddy, today?" She asked.

"He had some issues at work and can't leave." Charity answered.

"Oh, well do you still want to go ahead with this ultrasound?" Dr. Lang asked.

"Yes." Charity answered. "Maybe I can toture him with it later."

Dr. Lang smiled. "Alright."

Charity lifted her shirt and Dr. Lang sqirted the jelly on her stomache and then began moving the wand around. After a few moments she located the baby. "Alright, let's see it's a..."

Charity arrived home shortly after her appointment. She sat on the couch looking at the pictures from theultrasound. Then she lovingly placed her hand on heer belly. "I love you so much. I can't wait to meet you." She said.

After a few more hours, her cell phone rang. She checked to see who it was. She then hit the accept button and held the phone to her ear. "Hey, Tony. Is the lockdown over?"

"Yes." He answered. "So, do we know what we are having?"

Charity grinned devilishly. "Maybe." She answered.

"You are going to torture me with this aren't you?" Tony said.

"Yes." She answered. "I have to go now. I'll see you after a while. Love you."

"Love you, too."

Charity hung up. Then she slipped on her shoes and and grabbed her coat and car keys. Then she hopped in her car and headed out.

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