𝐱𝐢𝐱. 𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐤𝐨

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            The day had come

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            The day had come. The day when the Light Hashira could finally return to her normal routine.

Tomioka Giyū had returned from his missions the day before, and was pleasantly surprised that Airi had not burned the house completely down.

Airi was up at dawn, granting a fatigued Giyū to sleep longer. Airi decided to go out into town, as the sun's rays were just peaking over the horizon. She wanted to make breakfast for the man who took care of her so delicately.

With smooth conversations and kind gestures, Airi had achieved the goods that she wanted.

Sneaking back into the Tomioka Estate, Airi whipped up steamed rice, nori, kobachi as a side dish, and a small green salad.

Humming to herself, the Light Hashira cooked and danced around the strangely small kitchen Giyū owned.

Inhaling the delicious fumes of a traditional breakfast, Airi wished that Giyū would accept her small surprise for him.

A sleepy Giyū rubbed his eyes as he entered the room, noticing Airi humming to herself as she made the finishing touches of the meal.

"What are you doing?" Giyū tilted his head, his eyebrows furrowing. He was in a blank state of mind.

"Making a delicious breakfast for you, because I'm the greatest friend ever." Airi stuck her tongue out before stepping in front of the ravenette, handing over a tray.

Giyū stared at the tray decorated with the food that Airi made for him, his cobalt eyes blinking slowly.

"T-Thank you." He muttered.

"Take it as a 'thank you' for everything you've done for me. It's the least I could do." Airi smiled.

Giyū accepted her meal, and Airi let out a deep exhale. The two sat on the carpeted floor, with Airi sipping on a warm cup of herbal tea.

"You aren't going to eat?" Giyū mumbled, his mouth full of white rice.

Airi deadpanned him, "I couldn't afford enough for both of us. And don't talk with your mouth full, didn't your parents ever teach you that?"

Giyū hesitated and swallowed, before handing her his bowl of kobachi and chopsticks, "My sister taught me that."

"I'm not that hungry." Airi lied.

"I can hear your stomach at night. Eat." He replied, giving her a cute, yet sinister smile.

"You suck." Airi accepted his offer, before the two let out a laugh together.

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