𝐱𝐢𝐢. 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐲𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫

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       Airi sat in her bedroom, playing the violin casually

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       Airi sat in her bedroom, playing the violin casually. The melodies danced across the room and throughout the house like a ballet performance. The elegance in the music was overwhelming, even for the mice living in the walls.

The girl was so involved in her music playing that she had not heard a sudden slamming at her door. Someone knocked on her front door a few times before busting open the door themselves.

"Airi, I swear to God if you are IGNORING MY KNOCKS—" A large man walked into her bedroom, noticing that she was extremely focused on her violin playing.

"Oh, shit." Uzui Tengen commented before startling the girl. She leapt backwards, nearly falling clumsily back onto the floor.

"Tengen, what the hell are you doing in my bedroom?! I told you, I'm not going to be your fourth wife!" Airi yelled, feeling very skittish.

"Airi...that is NOT WHY I'M HERE, although my offer still stands," Tengen rambled in the same angry tone as Airi, "I need your help on a mission. I tried to get those Butterfly girls to help me by stealing them and then that brat Tanjiro and his PALS came and 'saved' them. It's a tough life we live in."

"What? You were going to steal young girls? What a perv–" Airi furrowed her brows and gave him a disgusted look.

"I NEED A PRETTY FACE, OKAY?" Tengen interrupted, slamming his wrist on her door frame.

"OKAY. Don't break my house, will you? Explain to me why you want a 'pretty face', and then we'll talk about me joining you." Airi emphasized "pretty face" using her fingers as quotation marks.

"My wives have been infiltrating the Red Light District. You know, the district where tons of things happen after the sun goes down." Tengen crossed his arms, leaning on her ivory bedroom wall.

"Yes, yes. I'm aware. What happened to your wives, then?" Airi questioned, putting her instrument away.

"I lost contact with them entirely. They've noticed some demon action going on at night, obviously. We would exchange letters but it looks like they need me, too. Of course, my wives are my first priority." Tengen explained, sighing.

"And what's in it for me, if I help you?" Airi asked, crossing her arms.

"Uh, the fact that you're doing this with me is enough to satisfy." Tengen smirked toward the girl.

"You are the worst." Airi responded, shooting him a blank look.

The Sound Hashira pouted, "Please, Hanata-san?"

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