𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲

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          Amber yellow orbs fluttered open as the morning sunlight blinded her vision

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Amber yellow orbs fluttered open as the morning sunlight blinded her vision.

She sighed, remembering everything that had happened the night before. Her reawakening, her chat with Giyū, his encouragement, and her communication with the afterlife.

She dismissed the thoughts that rushed to her brain, and noticed her current position. A warm feeling was wrapped around her, like a blanket. She felt a warm breath kindle around her neck.

Giyū's body was spooned behind hers, his arm protectively over her and his hand inches apart from her own. Her arms were bent, and her hands were aimlessly lying near the edge of the bed.

Airi blushed immediately at the thought. However, she couldn't deny how comfortable she was right now. She could get used to this feeling.

She understood how exhausted Giyū must be. She could hear his light snores, and she nearly giggled at the adorable sound he was creating.

Giyū may be aloof all the time, but Airi recognized how much he wanted to protect her, just by the position he was in right now with her. They were closest out of all the pillars, after all.

Airi closed her eyes without changing her position. She decided to let Giyū sleep longer, for she knew how important beauty sleep is.

Of course, there's a reason why she thought Giyū was attractive in the worst of times.

She believed beauty sleep was real!

And before she knew it, she had succumbed to a light slumber once more.

The Water Hashira awakened shortly after she fell back asleep, immediately realizing the position that they were in. Giyū immediately retracted his arm and rolled over, feeling very guilty that he was so close to her.

They were friends. Just friends.

He loved her, but he couldn't risk the thought of her not loving him back. He could absolutely not break their current bond.

Giyū hoped that Airi was not aware of how they slept together; that would be the end of him.

He swung his body over his side of the bed and tied his hair into his infamous low ponytail. He quietly left the room, attempting not to wake the ravenette up. He believed she deserved extra sleep more than him.

He exited the hall before whipping up some leftover simmered salmon with daikon. Airi always teases him about his unending love for the food, but she can't deny that she likes it, too.

The sun was at a higher position when the Light Hashira woke up again. This time, there was no warmth around her. She frowned at the thought, but she assumed Giyū had risen to do some errands.

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