𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚. 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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          Airi recognized immediately that she was in a dream

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          Airi recognized immediately that she was in a dream. A very vivid dream, as if it was reality. But she couldn't force herself to wake up.

She was standing before a beautiful morning sky with thousands of clouds stretching out across the horizon. It was as if she was in a painting.

She wondered where she was for a brief moment.

She admired the swirls of the fluffy clouds as the sun rose. The pinks and reds that illuminated the sky were beautiful as if a famous artist hand painted the scenery.

Airi wondered why this dream was so real.

Was she really alive? She assumed she was dead after using her tenth form. That was probably the reason.

"Is this the afterlife?" Airi whispered to herself before walking across the ground. Everywhere she looked, there was luscious grass and flowers with colors that she had never seen before. She thought she was going to be in hell after she died.

However, she turned her head to the side, noticing someone standing in the area the whole time. His back was toward her and his arms were crossed, but he never moved. He was thinking in deep thought.

A very familiar figure was standing there, completely unaware of her presence.


The late flame pillar turned around. A bright, incredible smile appeared on his face as he recognized her. It was so real and genuine.

"Starlight..." He ran to her, embracing her tightly. She could feel his touch again. Why can she feel him?

"Are you real?" Airi asked, trying to reciprocate the gesture slowly. She could really feel his build, as if he never left her in the first place.

"I am. I know it's weird, but I think the afterlife is more in tune with reality than you think." He mentioned, keeping his hold on the girl, as if he would never let her go. Airi could even smell his scent.

She wondered if she was really dead or not.

That's when it clicked, Airi was more aware of the afterlife than others in her dreams. She had such vivid dreams with her late family over the course of her life, and now Kyojuro who was standing so close to her. She remembered the book of light breathing that she read, briefly mentioning the "dream world". It all flowed into her mind like a train.

Light breathers tended to be involved with those in the afterlife as communicators, but the skill varied from person to person.

Airi snapped back to Kyojuro, figuring that she would research about dreams eventually. She knew she was still alive at this point. There was no way she would die like this.

Airi teared up, burying her face into the man's shoulder. He no longer had his haori, it was only his uniform.

"I-I've missed you so much..." Airi hiccuped, her tears seeping through the material of his clothes.

"I'm sorry I left you." Was all Kyojuro could mutter.

The two stayed close to each other in a comfortable silence, before Airi broke the embrace, looking at him. She was no longer crying, but rather relieved that she can interact with the Flame Hashira once again.

"I..." Airi started, hesitating on what to say, "I'm surprised I'm even talking to you again. I want to spill out everything in my mind but I don't know how long I have until I'm back in the fight."

The man kissed her forehead gently, "I know... All I can say is that it's better here, I can watch everyone without pain or suffering. I even met your family here."

"My family is probably so angry with me..." Airi looked down, fiddling with her fingers.

Kyojuro sighed lightly, feeling sympathetic towards the girl he once loved, "No... They have not been prouder of you."

Airi sighed, running her hands through her long dark hair, "I have to say this before it ends.
I don't know where the hell I'm going in life. I'm the weakest pillar...I left my family to die when I was thirteen, and I don't know for sure whether I am dead or alive after failing to kill an Upper Moon. Kyojuro, I'm utterly useless and I don't know how to get out of this nightmare."

Airi was conflicted, her eyes slowly tearing up again. She looked down, waiting for a response. Her eyebrows furrowed in deep, conflicted emotions that she could not identify. Kyojuro cupped her cheeks, squishing them playfully but also forcing her to look at him. His sunset hues for eyes stared into her amber yellow ones.

"Starlight," Kyojuro whispered, his voice low and velvety, "When life has it's twists and turns, it's your job to adapt to them and press forward. Life is made to be exciting and...unknown. Hell, I died to an Upper Moon."

He let out a light chuckle at the thought of his admirable defeat. He still battles his inner demons on his defeat.

"What I'm trying to say is that you're strong. As long as you have a clear goal in mind, then there shouldn't be anything stopping you. You had a goal when we were younger, where did that go? God, there is a reason I fell in love with you when I was living." He encouraged, his eyes sparkling.

Airi let out a small chuckle in response, tears steaming slowly down her cheeks. Kyojuro caught them with his thumbs.

"I know you, Airi. You're driven, motivated, and your compassion for others is unwavering. I know you still have that goal in that little head somewhere." Kyojuro smiled warmly.

Airi shook her head teasingly, "Even when you're no longer with me, you always have the best way with words. I envy you for that."

Kyojuro hummed in response, admiring her.

"Thank you." Airi whispered, before wrapped her arms around his torso, her cheek pressed against his upper chest.

He snaked his hands around her back, giving her a tight squeeze, "You don't have to worry about me. My mother was quite lonely here, so I'm glad I can be with her. My life was short lived, but it was worth it. I'll wait until you return someday, but I want you to grow old with him together. It'll make you so much happier if your journey was carried out with him."

"With who?"

That's when the dream ended.

Author's Note:

Ah, I'm sorry that this extra is short af. I really wanted to include a conversation between Airi and Kyojuro because their relationship was so beautiful to me. I hope you enjoyed this little snippet. The next chapter will be out soon! <3

Also, I'm about to release a new book. Stay tuned for that. ;)

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