Superheros Vs Supervillan

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Time seem to freeze. My friends were giving a death glares to this Lucas guy, while he just smiled at them creepily. Neither side moved. I didn't know what exactly what was happening but I knew my friends didn't like this guy. Austin gave a loud yell as he charged towards him.

Lucas easily dodged, kicking Austin in the back as he went by. Austin flew into a wall, making a good sized hole. Ritchie started to shoot flames, as Michael charged as a wolf. I ran over to help Austin up as Ritchie and Michael distracted Lucas. I was helping Austin up when I was thrown a crossed the room.

         I rubbed my head as I looked up to see another Lucas towering over Austin. I looked over to see Ritchie and Michael each fighting there only Lucas. I shook my head to clear it. Duplication, I realized. I jumped up and tackled the one that was over Austin.

         The Lucas I jumped on was surprised as I started beating him. After years of experiments, I learned how to fight hand to hand, knife, and gun combat. Austin had recovered enough so that he could fight. I growled as I was kicked off the Lucas. Austin took over for me as I was grabbed by another Lucas.

      I swore as I kick this one in the groin. It fell to the floor, clucking it private. I winced at him, feeling slightly sorry, but I really didn't care. I scanned to room, finding that my friends were having a hard time. Michael was being attacked by three of them from all sides. Ritchie was cornered by four of them, he had set himself of fire in order to keep them back. Austin wasn't fairing any better. He had two of them since I had dealt with mine.

       Xylo was watching with a uncomfortable face. Kayla Bear was pressing against the glass glaring at Lucas like she wanted to tear him apart. I gave Xylo pleating eyes as I heard Michael scream. I snapped my attention to him as I saw him getting kicked repeatedly in the ribs by a Lucas.

I was going to run over to him, but Xylo tapped the glass. I quickly glanced at him. He was pointing to something. I looked down to see a syringe full of a dark red liquid, sitting in a metal box. I grabbed it and shoved it in my arm. I was desperate at this point. Coming back to live doesn't help if you're more of a burden then a help. Xylo smiled as I felt something happening to my body.

I scream in pain, I toppled to the ground as something sprout out from my back and tail bone. My teeth grew sharper, claws appear on my hands, scales crept up my arms and face. My scream had caught everyone's attention. My scream soon turned into a rawr. I got up off the ground, turning towards them with a snarl.

My tail whipped back and forth as I glared at them. My friends looked shocked and afraid. The Lucas's forgot my friends and charged at me. Something urged me to stomp, so I did. The ground started to crack and break making them fall into a sink hole. I smiles as I heard their bones crunch as the ground closed up. The rest of the ones that didn't fall into the hole advanced on me.

I flew up as I dodged them. My new heightened senses could tell that all of the Lucas's that were trying to attack me were clones. I scanned the room spotting the real one in a corner looking tired as he tried to make more clones. I let a growl. He turned to me. We locked eyes. He began to shake under my glaze.

A sinister grin made its way on to my face. I clawed and bit, until I killed all the clones that were around me. I slowly made my way towards him, my tail swaying in anticipation. I towered over him, raising my claws to give him the final blow. Someone grabbed my arm, holding me back.

I growled as I turn to see whoever stopped me from killing my prey. My eyes met with the worried ones of my friends. "Mario! This isn't you." Michael exclaimed. Sometimes while I was fighting he had turned back into human.

          "Yeah! The Mario I know would never kill someone!" Austin yelled with tears in his eyes. "Mario please...I want the real Mario back...." Ritchie begged me as he tightened his grip around my arm. I looked at them, then at Lucas. I glared at him, but backed off.

       My friends all hugged me. I hugged back, crushing them to my chest. "Air! We need air!" Austin joked. I let go as we all laughed. I looked at my new appendages. My tail was a brown color with specks of green in it. My wings looked the same. I looked at them. "Hey...Ritchie?" My own voice surprised me. It was lower, more gravelly.

      "Yeah Mario?" He looked at me questioningly. "Can you....burn me? Please." I asked him. He looked mortified. "Why!?" The others also looked worried. "I want to have this serum wear off faster. I don't like being part....reptile?" I looked at my scales. "I'm not sure what I am right now..." Ritchie looked over to the others.

        Michael had a understanding look on his face, while Austin looked like he was about to have a panic attack. Ritchie looked at me. "Are you sure?" I nodded. "Austin..." He looked at me. "I can't die, remember?" His face turned blank for a few moments, before he facepalmed. Me, Ritchie, and Michael had to chuckle at that. "I will be back in a few seconds, so don't worry. Plus I will be back to normal."

          Austin looked happy that I would be back to normal. "Ready?" Ritchie asked. "Ready as I will ever be..." Ritchie nodded, starting to let flames leak around me. I stood perfectly still as they stared to burn me. I smiled at my friends one more time, letting them I was ok, before I blacked out.

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