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          I shook in fear as Michael said that. Dang it, I think.  I need to get out of here, but how? I could break a window but...I really don't want to. I watched them go up the steps to the house. I looked at the window, and back at them. They were at the door.'s the only way out so I guess I'll take it. I backed up and aligned myself with the window. I was preparing to jump out the window when I heard the door open. I took a running leap thru the window. I landed in a roll and took off.

           I heard Austin shouting "Hey! Get back here!" Followed by footsteps. I ran faster, running down alleyways trying to shake whoever was following me. I glanced behind me to find Austin was chasing me. I was running across the street went I fell something hit me. I felt pain then nothing.

         I took a deep breath in then looked around to find I was standing on the street corner by where I died. I found Austin in the middle of the street with a car parked in front of him. Oh, I thought. I was hit by a car. Austin was looking around confused and sad. He spotted me and his face changed to happiness and shock. "Mario!" I was about to take off again when he jumped in front of me.

          I turned around to run the other way, but he grabbed my arm. I tried to wrench my arm out of his grip but he was too strong. "Mario? Is it really you?" He asked. "But how I saw you get hit! Your body was mangled! How are you fine?" He freaked out.

         "Panda! Let go!" I shout.

          "Why? Why did you run?"

"I don't want you guys to get caught up with me, in case they take you too." Fear was clear in my voice.

"Who? Where were you?" He kept questioning. I could tell he was worried, but he and the others don't have to know about the foundation. I shook my head and struggled harder to get away. I let out a cry of surprise as Austin picked me up. "Fine...If you wouldn't tell me, maybe you'll tell Ritchie and Michael."

         I was yelling and cursing the whole time Austin carried me. "Austin please! Just let me go. You guys don't need to be involved."

          "Nope. We let you go once and we're not letting you go again." I hear his voice crack as he says that. I look down to see Austin eyes fill with tears. He must feel like it was his fault. I remember that day when I was abducted. We just had a fight that night. I was walking home alone when a van pulled up beside me. I was to deep in thought to notice, till a man walked up to me with a syringe. I tried to run but he grabbed me and shoved the syringe in my neck. The next thing I know is I wake up in the facility.

              I was too deep in thought to realize we walked up to a building. He held my arm with one arm, while he opened the door up. I tried to run but his grip tightened. I cried out in pain has I heard something snap in my arm. He quickly realized what he did. "I'm so sorry! I broke your arm, didn't I?" He got me inside and set me on the couch. "I'm so sorry! I'm still trying to control my power." He kept apologizing.

          "It's fine..." I trailed off into thought. I started to think about all the worse things that happened to me. I shivered shaking myself out of those dark thoughts. He noticed my shiver, but didn't comment. I distracted myself by watching him rap my arm up.

         "There! Now, I'm going to call Ritchie and Michael. Don't you move, or I'll have to tied you down." He meant it as a joke but you could hear the warning in it. He went into another room that I guessed was the kitchen. I let myself relax into the couch. I listen to their conversation, well Austin's part.

         "Ritchie, Michael! You'll never guess who I found!....No...Where would I even if that?...I found Mario....Yeah, he was the guy who jumped out the window.....He's at my dorm....No, he hasn't told me anything....he keeps trying to run away....something about they will take you too....ok see you soon....yep bye." He walks back into the room. He smiles when he see me relaxing. "They will be here soon."

Right when he said that, Ritchie busted in on fire. "Stove is here!" I stared at the flames on Ritchie. It reminded me of the insinuator. My breathing quickened and I started to shake. I could see Austin and Ritchie speaking to me, but I couldn't heard them. I grip on to the coach. I suddenly feel someone rubbing my back. I look up to find Michael rubbing my back. "Breath in and out slowly." Michael instructs. I do what he says. I slowly calmed down.

When I stop I realize I had a panic attack. I look up to see them looking worried at me. "What happened Mario? What made you go into a panic attack?" Michael asked gently.

I swallowed and said, "It was Ritchie on fire... it brought me back to...." I trail off.

"Brought you back to where?" Ritchie pried.

"I don't want to talk about it...." I really don't want talk about it. It just has a lot of bad memories. The only good memories are with Kay and Xylo.

"Okay...We can talk about that later, but right now I wanna know what you did on the street." Austin exclaimed.

        "What are you talking about?" Ritchie asked. I knew what he was talking about. I shifted uncomfortably in place.

"He got hit by a car. His body was mangled in front of me. I ran to see if he was ok when the body disappeared. I turned around to see him standing there completely fine." Austin explained. "So how'd you do it?"

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