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  I appeared outside of the containment room. I looked down at myself, checking to see if I looked normal. The scales, tail, and wings were gone, thankfully. I let out a sigh of relief, glad to be back to normal. I glanced at Xylo and Kay.

I giggled when I saw Kay punching Xylo with her little bear arms. Xylo was holding her back with one hand while he wrote something down on a clipboard. I gazed into the containment cell. My friends were looking around worriedly. Realizing they were looking for me, I tapped the glass to get their attention.

     They all looked relieved, when they saw me. I waved at them, then frowned. Lucas did a number on them. I scanned them quickly. Ritchie seemed the least hurt, but Austin was the one I was worried about.

Austin had black eye forming around his left eye. His other eye had a nasty scratch over it. He was also holding his right side in pain. A few broken ribs, I'm guessing. His other arm was hanging limply by his side. He was leaning against Ritchie, who was holding him up. One of his ankles was bent out of place.

Michael looked...decent. Not as bad as Austin, but still pretty bad. He was hunched over clutching his ribs in pain. Definitely broken ribs, I thought. He right hand was hanging limply. A long scratch was on his right cheek that was bleeding slightly. Other then that, he seemed ok.

    Ritchie was the least harmed. His fire helped him defend himself. He had a few scratches here and there. Nothing too serious. He had Austin propped up against him, supporting him.

I walked over to Ritchie to help hold Austin up. Xylo and Kay came in with a med kit, going over to us first, since Austin was the most harmed. As Xylo bandaged him up, I held his good hand reassuringly. Austin squeezes my hand and screamed as Xylo reset his arm. I winced as I heard my hand break because off his strength. I gave Austin my sleeve to bite down on when Xylo set and wrapped his ankle. Austin's muffed scream echoed around the cell. Everyone flinched at it.

      Xylo gave me a thumbs up, signaling he was done. He started to patch up Michael, wrapping his chest like he did with Austin. He wrapped Michael's hand up and put it in a sling. I helped Austin stand up and let him use me as a crutch. Xylo turned to Ritchie, but Ritchie waved him off and walked over to us.

          "So what happens now?" My voice shaking slightly. I mental cursed myself for showing my fear. I looked between Xylo and my friends. I just got them back, I don't want to lose them again. Xylo hummed. "Well first, all of you are going to go to your containment cell to rest. Then later we'll decide what with happen." Austin immediately had a fearful expression.

            "I don't want to be separated from them!" He clung on to me with his one good arm. He somehow got his good leg  wrapped around Ritchie's leg, who was hugging Michael. "Yeah! We have separate anxiety. If one of use goes, we all go." Michael nodded in agreement and grabbed my arm tightly. Xylo looked between us and sighed.

            He mumbled something like, "teenage" under is breath, before he said, "Fine, we'll move you guys into Mario's containment cell." My eyes widened. "Really!?" I asked excitedly. Xylo nodded. Me and my friends cheered. I don't have to be alone anymore. "Thank you so much Xylo!" I hugged him. He didn't expect this, but he patted me on the head.

    I ran back over to my friends and picked Austin up as Xylo opened the containment cell and waited for us. Ritchie smirked and picked up Michael, causing him to squeak. His face was as red as a apple. Ritchie chuckled softly and hugged him to his chest. Austin was blushing madly as he snuggled into my chest. My own heated up as I walked down the hall to me and Kay's area.

       Xylo followed behind us as Kay ran in front of us. Ritchie was walking beside me. Michael was muttering under his breath that he could walk by himself, but I knew he was secretly enjoying it. Austin had fallen asleep in my arms, completely exhausted from the fight. Xylo walked in front of us, so he could open the containment cell door for us.

       We walked into the lounge area, then to my room. Kay when back into her own room. Ritchie had already entered my room when Xylo stopped me. He told me that he will get someone to get extra beds and clothes for my friends. I thanked him, then when into my room. When I got in there, I went over to my bed. I set Austin down, then tucked him in. Austin subconscious wrapped his good arm around my waist and pull me down on to the bed. I blushed and sighed, relaxing; knowing I was gonna be here for awhile.

         Just as I got comfortable; Snickering echoed around the room. I glared towards Ritchie as he tried to cover his laugh. Michael had his head on Ritchie's lap, snoring quietly. "I wouldn't be laughing, I'm not the only one with a crush." I sassed back with a smirk. His face turned into a cherry. "Alright, alright, I get it." He whispered as he played with Michael's hair, making him purr.

        Both me and Ritchie looked at each other; surprised, before laughing quietly. "Looks like even in his human from, some of his animals traits still effect him." I say amused. "Yeah, since you been gone he trained harder. We all did..." Ritchie looked away from me so I couldn't see his face. I frowned. "Oh...." I say quietly.

         We fell into a uncomfortable silence. "Maybe we should get some sleep? We had a rough day." Ritchie suggest quietly. "Yeah, sleep is a good idea." I agreed. Ritchie gently moved Micheal on to his chest, so he could  lay down. He wrapped his arms around him gently, then closed his eyes. I snuggled closer to Austin, careful of his injuries. I closed my eyes, and with in seconds, I was out.

              Hey, my wolf pack! It's been a bit. Sorry, for the slow update. But hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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