Chapter 1

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Your name is y/n, You are 17 years old. It's your first day of senior year, you are a A and B student, you don't get in trouble in school. you have a best friend her name is Jazmin, y'all guys have been best friends since kindergarten.

You text Jazmin to meet up with her in front of the school so y'all guys could go in together. When y'all went in you saw a lot of people looking at you because of how you got a glow up and know you as a girl who gets bully a lot. But also because this boy name Nick Mara who was behind you Nick is a popular guy who is hot asf, he is a quarterback in football. Every girl likes Nick they either try to hit him up, ask for his phone number, or flirt with him.

Nick pushed you to the ground that everybody was laughing at you and Jasmin helped you get up.You had a crush on Nick since kinder, you had Nick in your class every year. You told  Nick that you had a crush on him in 6th grade once you told him about you liking him he told you he doesn't date ugly girls. (you are not ugly, you are pretty no matter what.) Once he told you that he called his friends over and told them the whole thing. Then they started calling you mean names and left you crying. Ever since that day he's been bullying you in front of everybody and still calls you mean names.

Once Jazmin picked you up your face turned red because you were embarrassed. Nick and his friends were laughing at you. Jazmin told Nick and his friends to leave you alone but they still kept on laughing as if it was a joke. You started getting heated so you decided to confront him because you were tired of him.

Y/N: You know I'm tired of you making front of me, what did I ever do to you?

He just rolled his eyes and left with his group. You and Jazmin went to go pick up y'all schedule from the gym. Once y'all got it y'all had 2 classes together which is reading and chemistry. Y'all both went to reading together because that class is your first class of the day. Once y'all walked in you saw Nick and one of his friends with him. His friend name is Zion, Jazmin always had a crush on him since the beginning too just like you had a crush on Nick.

You and Jazmin sat down together until the bell rang. Once the bell rang the teacher told y'all guys have assign seats. She put the chart on the board so y'all could find out where y'all sit. You saw your name but your eyes went wide open because you have to sit next to Nick. Jazmin sits nexts to a random boy, Zion sits in front of Jazmin. Once everyone got seated, the door open from the class room and you saw this cute boy his name is Matias. He was greeted himself in front of the whole class. He sat behind you next this girl you really hate, her name is Bianca. Bianca is a girl who flirts with a lot of guys especially with Nick. Nick and Bianca make out in the halls every once in a while, Bianca sleeps with different guys.

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( vivian jimenez ) Also please follow this account too which is my wattpad. Anyways I hope y'all love this Chapter. Also please vote on it please.
Love y'all guys😘❤️❤️

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