Chapter Twelve

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The first thing I became aware of was the sound of police sirens, then as I opened my eyes I saw the two officers standing in front of me talking to me but I couldn’t hear their words, just able to make out they were asking me if I was okay. Understandable question when you took in how disheveled I looked. I sent the night sleeping on a sidewalk and I was shaking uncontrollably managing to get enough words out to tell them my name but not much else but gibberish.

Finally I was ab;e to stand up with the help of the cops so they took me to the car driving me to the address they had found in my information and despite my protests that’s all they seemed to care about doing. They just wanted to get me home so they didn’t have to deal with more paperwork.

I couldn’t control anything even when they were asking me questions. I wanted to throw up from how badly I didn’t want to go home to everyone. The shame and sheer embarrassment of last night had settled in and I let out a gut-wrenching sob as they half marched, half dragged me up to the front door knocking quickly handing me over to the one on the other side.

I got pulled into a pair of muscular arms but my eyes had shut of their own accord and I just sobbed into the chest in front of me gripping the thin material of a black muscle t-shirt twisting it in my clenched fists begging them to tell me it had all been a nightmare. 

After a few minutes my sobs quietened and the soft hispanic murmurs along with the way my hair was being stroked told me that it was Dylan who was comforting me and I just broke all over again, “How could he do that to me?” I whimpered sniffling.

“I know Lobito. I know.” He soothed me greatly just by being there, “Let’s get you up to bed. You need to get some better rest.” His voice was softer than it’s usual rough tone. 

“Dylan I can’t do this, I can’t face him… He’s ruined me! He knew exactly what he was going to do! He knew exactly what he was doing by asking her in front of me!” I yelled at him taking my frustrations out on the least guilty person in the house.

“Are you sure about that?” A second voice asked making my head snap up as I glanced towards the source seeing Aron standing there holding a mug of coffee, cut up and bruised, his lip slightly swollen




I watched disgusted as she pulled away from me and went straight over to him, taking his face into her hands with the most delicate touch I had only ever seen Haley capable of. The look in her eyes as she inspected every injury carefully made my stomach churn. She hated him but at the same time she still loved him with every fibre of her being. It was the same way she used to look at him whenever we came over and he was even a little scratched up. This time it wasn’t a rival or a jealous boyfriend who had turned his face into the same brutal shade of ugly as his heart.

“Who did this to you?” Her voice came out cracked, still managing to ooze venom making me look down at my bruised knuckles and try to hide them. 

It wasn’t enough though. He had the audacity to sneak a sideways glance at me and it earn me a glare from Haley herself until she remembered why she was upset in the first place and she let her hands linger on his face for only another moment before dropping them to her sides and walking back to my arms silently begging me to take her away from the situation.

“In answer to your question Aron…. You knew exactly what you were doing last night… You knew exactly what my reaction would be. You knew every detail but what makes me sick is that you don’t seem to care one way or the other.”

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Thanks for reading! sorry for the shortness, I just wanted to get something out for you guys you have been incredibly supportive of this story and I love you all. 

If you want to see the next chapter I ask that this chapter gets votes and comments. I’m not gonna say how many but I just need to know that people really are enjoying this story.

Thanks again - Haley

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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