#1 Favorite Thing About You

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The boy's favorite thing about you!

Midoria loves your hair. When ever you guys are cuddling, he'll play with your hair and even braid and style it anyway he can. It always puts a smile on your face

He won't admit it but he loves your eyes. It always puts him in a blushing state when ever you guys lock eyes. It's cute.

Your laugh is so intoxicating to him. He would try anyway to make you laugh just to swoon over it.

Your always so confident and that makes Tenya fall deeper in love with you. Even when your struggling, your confidence pushes you forward.

Icy hot loves how you always try and make time for others.

You both have a lot in common which he likes. He has someone to talk too when ever something gets him down.

Your ass. Simple as that.

You radiate positivity. You're literally the light in his dark world that he can always look up too.

Sero loves your humor. You never fail to make him laugh.

All Might:
You're very caring and worried about others. He finds that very noble of you that you put others before yourself.

You're very laid back and for a man like himself, he loves it. You both sleep in together during his days off.

Hips. His hands will always find their way to your hips.

Your lips. He'll kiss you anytime he gets.

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