(SFW Alphabet) Eijirou Kirishima

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(Artist: TommSama on DeviantArt)
Kiri is very affectionate both verbally and physically. He loves to show how much he cares and loves you and doesn't want to make you feel sad.

Best Friends:
Kiri is friends with the Bakusquad. He's practically friends with everyone almost.

He loves to cuddle you. He may have a quirk that is rough but that doesn't keep him from being so soft.

Even though that is far from his mind at the moment. The idea of a big happy family with you by his side will always make him excited for the future.

The idea of you two breaking up never wants to cross his mind. He'd be devastated but would want the best for you. He would be pretty messed up for a couple months but if it makes you happy, he's happy.

It wouldn't be anything different besides you two being chained together.

A guy with his power is the total opposite personality wise. But still keeping his "manliness".

He loves hugs. If you're up to a hug, he is too.

I love you:
Kirishima was the first to say it during a confession. It caught you off guard but made your crumble to bits.

He doesn't get super jealous but it still bothers him if another guy is hitting on you or anything like that. He doesn't get aggressive but shows that he is bothered by it and sounds uneasy.

Kisses are his favorite. Especially when they are soft and loving. He likes to be kissed on the cheek and his lips obviously.

Little things:
Small kisses throughout the day, calling you every night whenever you two are far from one another to check on you, always tries to make you laugh.

Kiri usually wakes up around the afternoon but if there is class or anything important, he'll wake up early. He loves the sunrises though.

Depending on what he did during the day, he'll crash on the bed and go to sleep in minutes.

As you two are together, he'll slowly start to open up to you about more things. He trusts you and hopes that you trust him.

He's decently patient with you, sometimes he'll get a little pushy when it comes to patience but he doesn't try too.

He's pretty bad with quizzes but he doesn't mean too. He knows some deep stuff about you but he mostly gets stuff right when it comes to littler things.

He doesn't mind the rain really. It's nice to walk in and look at but overall, he doesn't think too much of it.

He is protecting but doesn't keep you from having fun. Whenever you need help, you can count on him to be there in a matter of seconds.

He'll try to impress you often but most of the time, he doesn't think about it. Yet still he impresses you for him being him.

Ugly Habits:
Kiri has a bad habit of biting his nails. You don't really think much about it but when you find fingernails is when it bothers you.

He'll wear anything that makes him comfortable and presentable.

He doesn't like winter, it's too cold and he often gets sick during then.

X-tra(head canon):
He uses a special shampoo that helps keep his roots dyed.

He doesn't care for broccoli.

He'll fall asleep pretty fast depending on the events that happened. It's take forever to wake him up.

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