#4 How They Kiss You

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How they kiss you ;)

He'll kiss your cheek and of course, your lips. If it isn't a quick peck, the kiss/makeout session is normally soft and passionate. Not to mention long. You'll have your hand in his hair and his on your shoulder.

Bakugou will kiss your lips, neck, and shoulders. Make out sessions are of course aggressive and slow but strangely passionate. A lot of action ;)

kirishima kisses you on your lips and forehead. when things are getting spicy, he'll still share his softness with you and if you wanted your make out session to be rougher, he'll gladly oblige.

Iida tends to peck you every once in awhile. He's not that great at showing physical affection in public because he believes that that isn't respectful for other people around. But when you two can, he'll surely give you what you want.

Todoroki is too dense to understand that you actually like PDA. So it's disappointing when ever you two are in public and you're feeling lovey dovey. But when you two are alone he'll kiss you on your hand, forehead, and of course, lips. Make out sessions are always passionate and loving.

Shinso will kiss your cheek and shoulders. He isn't fond of PDA but if you really need it then he wouldn't mind once or twice. when things get hot, they're passionate and sloppy. He doesn't have much experience so you sometimes take the lead.

Kaminari will gladly give you all the attention you want. whether I'd be away from people are around people. His favorite spot to kiss you would be your collarbone. make out's with him are sloppy and intense. He gets excited whenever showing his love for you

The closest to affection you'll get in public would be hand holding and hugging. Tokoyami likes to kiss your hand and make out's are passionate and slow. Haha, beak kisser.

Sero somehow forgets about PDA so you always gotta remind him. You two laugh it off. He loves your lips. when you two make out, they're steady and a bit rough at times.

All Might:
All Might doesn't show PDA cause of his reputation. but when ever you two have your guy's alone time, he'll kiss you anyway you want. make out's are passionate and slow.

Aizawa doesn't do PDA but he pecks your cheek every once in awhile when he has the chance. never during school hours though cause it isn't professional. Make out sessions are rough and sloppy yet strangely passionate in some way.

Dabi will kiss you any time, anywhere. He loves to kiss your shoulders, hands, and behind your neck. make out sessions are rough and slow. Just the way he likes it.

Shigaraki will trail kisses up and down your arms to make you feel like a queen. He loves to shower you with kisses and show people who you belong too. He is sloppy though when it comes to more intense kissing.

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