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Laura's POV

I woke up with a huge smile on my face as memories from yesterday came flooding back to me. Ross asked me out.

After daydreaming I smelled pancakes and I jumped out of bed immediately to see that everyone was already up and at the table for breakfast.

"Good morning!" Everyone said as I walked into the kitchen. I replied and sat down in my seat next to Ross to see a plate with 2 chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

"I made your favorite!" Ross smiled at me while I smiled back and just digged in. I heard him chuckle at my love for pancakes but I just ignored him and continued.

Eventually, everyone was done with breakfast and me, Vanessa, Rydel, and Stormie were in the kitchen cleaning up and doing the dishes while the boys were in the living room since thier too lazy.

"So how was your day yesterday?" Stormie winked at me and Nessa wich made us laugh. She's ALOT like Rydel, but in a good way.

"It was good you know the usual, Disneyland, churros, and getting asked out by your crush" I squealed at the last part and the rest of the girls squealed with me since we were all excited.

"So you did have a crush on my brother before he asked you out?!" Rydel asked me with a huge smile on her face.

"Yeah didn't I tell you" I said nonchalantly, becasue I really did think I told her but maybe I didnt...


"Oh well, by the way I have a crush on your brother" I said trying to be serious but broke into a smile after Rydel rolled her eyes at me and turned to Vanessa.

"So did YOU have a crush on Riker before he asked you out?" Delly asked which made me smirk since I knew the answer.

"Honestly yes, and I was actually going to tell you yesterday but it was pretty obvious by the end of the day" She laughed.

"Well that's cool, so when are your guys' dates?" Stormie asked us.

"Umm I'm not really sure you'll have to ask Ross that" I said. It's true we never discussed when would be a good time for our date, but he probably already planned everything since he's that kind of guy.

"Same" Nessa said while putting away the last dish from this morning.

"I have a surprise for you!" Someone said towards me which made me turn around and see Ross leaning against the island.

"REALLY I LOVE SURPRISES BUT AT THE SAME TIME I HATE THEM BECAUSE I DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS! OH OH OH IS IT CAKE? CANDY? A ZEBRA?" I yelled out before I can control my self and Ross just covered my moulth and giggled.

"Just turn around" He smiled at me. I turned around quickly then I felt a cloth go over my eyes. Damn it, a blind fold.

I was steared a few turns by Ross before we finally stopped which got me excited immediately.

"Ready?" Ross asked teasingly.

"Yes just take the god Damn blind fold off me now!" I shouted earning a couple laughs from people around me. I guess everyone knew about this.

He took the cloth of me and my eyes widened and I turned around and tackled everyone into a huge hug while jumping up and down and squealing.

"OH MY GOD YOU GOT ME 10 PACKS OF GO-GURT! AHHHHHH! I THOUGHT I WASNT ALOWD TO HAVE GO-GURT ANYMORE! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" I squealed once again before going to the Go-gurt and hugging all of them. Yes hugging.... don't judge me.

"You can have go-gurt now but I NEVER want to see what happened last time or else no more go-gurt EVER" Vanessa told me strictly which made me nod my head vigorously. My life. WITH OUT GO-GURT?! That would be horrible.

You may be wandering what happened last time. Wellllll I mayyyyy have stored a bunch of go-gurt boxes in a secret spot in our basement for when the zombie apocalypse comes. Opps?

We went through our day just watching Disney movies while cuddling since none of us had anything to do today.

But what Ross didn't know was that I had a HUGE surprise for him (and myself I guess) tomorrow that can either change our lives forever or we'll fail and continue with our regular life.....

AN- Sorry this was just a filler chapter but what do you think Laura's surprise is?


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