"The Way You Look At Him....It's The Same Way He Looks At You"

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Ross' POV

My fist clutched the steering wheel so hard I could see my hand go white from no blood circulation and I a red face from anger but, out of all of that, I had tear streaming down my face.

I sniffed silently and wiped my salty tears away.

That isn't her. Shouldn't wouldn't do this to you after everything.

My thoughts fought my other thoughts, but no after what what's done is done and there's nothing I can do to go back in time and change it.

I just need a break for a bit.  To get my head clear.

So I went to the one place where I knew that was going to happen.


-page break-

I arrived to my home state 14 hours later ( yes thats how long it really takes from LA I looked at Google Maps XD)

it was now Sunday and it's three in the morning. Yay.

I checked into a nearby Hotel and just sat on the uncomfortable bed thinking.

Was it fake?

All I did was sigh to myself before fishing out my phone and going back to the text message that made me lose it.

From Rocky: I'm sorry dude....

And there was a picture of Laura making out with a guy....

You can't miss her tan skin that went perfect with her big brown eyes or her curly ombre hair that fell over her shoulders.

the guy seems to be random but even if I did know the guy I'll still be furious.

It hurts so much....

I know we're not dating bit.... I do have strong feelings for her and she said she did for me too, yet I see this...

We were planning on going on the date very soon, then dating, announcing it to the public, and eventually living a happy fairytale.

But I guess not.

Laura's POV

"Shh, shh, calm down"  Delly cooed into my ear and rocked me back and forth as I sobbed into her chest for the millionth time since noon.moo

"I-I C-cant!" I choked on my tears and continued to cry over my best friend.  Nobody knows what made him leave or where he went either, so it made the situation ten times worse.

"Yes you can, just calm down" moose said softly yet sternly and continued to stroke my hair until I eventually stopped soobbing, leaving hiccups coming from my mouth along with silent sniffs.

"I don't even know why he left..." I trailed off, laying down in her lap.

"None of us do Laur" She sighed and started playing with my stringy hair. 

"Del..." I muttered nervously as to what was about to come out of my mouth.


"I...I love him"  I spoke out with confidence. 

"I know" she just smiled and looked at me.

"How?" I asked curious to know how she knew I was so in love with her little brother before I even knew.

"The way you look at him... it's the same way he looks at you" she smiled warmly and left the room leaving me wondering what that meant.

I really do love Ross.  His flaws and all (even though he pretty much doesn't have any).  I love how his eyes give off a sparkle when he plays music, I love how gets along with his brothers so well, I love how he not only tells everyone how he's proud to be Dellys brother but also her best friend, I love his dorky ways, I love how his eyes sparkle when ever he sees me as well,  I love how he is genuinely sweet when he doesn't even try, I love how he's stuck with me through all of these years and never got tired of me, I love how he doesn't get jealous but he still protective... I love him.

And that's the way I look at him. 

"The way you look at him.... it's the same way he looks at you" 

Dellys words linger in my head until I finally understand what she meant by that.

He loves me.

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