Chapter 1

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He died for us, for all of us. Our beloved Kazekage-sama, Gaara, didn't even care about his own life while protecting his village.
"Gaara-sama has returned to the village! Gaara-sama has arrived! He's alive and well!" I heard the news and tears flown down my eyes. Gaara is alive and well!
I rushed near the village gates just to get a glimpse of him. I saw him, barely, standing and shaking hands with a guy before entering the village. It was probably his friend, Uzumaki Naruto. There was so much crowd behind him, ahead of him and on all sides! Everyone wanted to see their beloved Kazekage-sama. This wasn't always the case. Gaara was hated by the villagers, by his own father, by everyone. He never had friends, no comrades, not even family. I didn't feel bad for him though. I had a family. They love me and I love them. But Gaara doesn't have a family, because when in a family you cannot let another person of the family feel this sad and lonely. I wondered what his father wanted from him, I wondered why his father hated him so much. He was just a kid! What could he have done to deserve that kind of hate?
My thoughts were broken when I realized I was getting pushed around by people and Gaara wasn't in my sight anymore. I got annoyed with this and decided to take a different approach.
"Gaara!! I'm so glad you're okay! I knew they couldn't do anything to you! I always believed in you!" I yelled as I stood proudly on the roof of a house in our village. All eyes turned to me but mine were set on his.
"Thank you so much for believing in me! I will try my best to not let you down!" He yelled back in a very formal tone and smiled his, now usual, small and warm smile.
"I'll be looking forward to working with you!" I yelled waving at him.
"I am glad to have you cooperate with me!" He said and moved on to his chambers.
That was the last time I had talked to Gaara before this time. I mean a lot of time had passed. I didn't exactly expect him to remember me with all the Kazekage work and everything, but I would be super happy if he did. I also felt a little insecure because of all the rumours going around about him and Matsuri being a couple.
I jumped from roof to roof and finally landed on the floor thinking about him and didn't realize I was speaking out loud.
"Gaara! You're so cool! I just wish you didn't have that girlfriend of yours. I mean don't get me wrong, I want you to be happy, in whatever way you want to be happy. But I think, I want to make you happy! Ugh! Gaara! You asshole!" Within seconds I was surrounded by guards and police, "How dare you address Kazekage-sama like that?!" They growled at me.
"Because I am his friend. I have been friends with Gaara long time before you guys, since we both were kids!" I snapped back.
"Oh really now?! You're friends with Kazekage-sama?!" They mocked me and laughed at me.
"You think I'm lying, ask him then. Ask him if he knows me. Hmph" I flipped my hair and tried to walk past them but they caught me by their arms and dragged me to jail.
"Hey! Let her go." A voice said. I didn't know this woman's voice but I knew it was good for me.
"Temari-san?" They exclaimed and all of them scurried away.
"Temari-san?!" I was shocked to see Gaara's older sister. She was very charismatic and her personality was so gentle yet authoritative. She knew she was important and she was proud of it.
"Hey!" She said and I realized I had been unintentionally been staring at her.
"I'm so sorry, Temari-san. It's just that you're so charismatic and beautiful, I couldn't keep my cool. I'm so sorry" I apologized frantically.
"Hey! It's okay. Thank you for the compliments." She laughed gently and placed her hand on my shoulder.
"I've heard you work in the near by clothing store as a designer?"
"Temari-san? You have heard of me? I'm honoured. Yes, I do design clothes, but I don't think my latest line would be of use to you. I mean, it is a line of-"
"Bridal gowns. I know" she said as she looked at my ecstatic face.
"I need a gown" she continued.
"Who's getting married? When do I take measurements? What about the price range? Material? Requirements? Function? Colour? Theme?" I kept asking questions excited like a dog when it looks at a treat.
Yeah, I love my job. I love designing clothes for people. Different styles and colour conveyed different things about people. Temari-san now preferred more of greenish yellows than brownish yellows. This was a sign that something had changed inside her heart as well. Gaara also had started wearing warmer and colours more to the scarlet side. Something had changed in his heart too and I thought, it was because of Matsuri.
"Calm down. Let's go to the Kazekage quarters. I'll explain everything over there to everyone at once." Temari-san said as she took my hand and we rushed towards the building. It is a huge honour to be known by the Kazekage, especially now, after the Fourth Shinobi War. Our village had progressed and the Kazekage and his associates were supposed to be very important people.
Soon, the meeting gathered in the quarters and everyone sat around a table including me. I was a little on the edge because I had never done anything of this sort before, but I was also excited for the news.
"So, I have gather you all today to share a wonderful news with you all." Temari-san said smiling as wide as we would ever get to see her.
"The Fourth Shinobi War is over and our relationship with the other Shinobi villages like Kirikagure, Kumokagure and Iwakagure has improved. But, our relationship is especially strong with the Shinobi village of the Land of Fire, Konohakagure. Now, with this step, I further plan to improve this relationship." She paused raised her right hand and continued, "I will be getting married to Nara Shikamaru, Main Advisor to Fourth Shinobi War hero and current Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto." She turned her hand so everyone could see the ring sparkling on the back of her palm.
"That's amazing, Temari-san! Congratulations!" I jumped out of my seat which I instantly regretted because of all the stares that I received.
"Thank you so much" she smiled at me and blushed slightly before continuing, "All the wedding preparations will be done by Kankuro and Gaara, the Kazekage of Sunakargure. I and my soon-to-be husband, Shikamaru, will oversee all the preparations." She concluded and the meeting was dismissed.
"Congratulations, Temari-san!" I said walking out of the room beside her.
"Thank you! Thank you so much! I didn't know somebody would be so excited for my wedding." She joked.
"Are you kidding, Temari-san?! You are the most important woman here! Plus, you're a woman after all. Her wedding is a huge part of any woman's life!" I instinctively held her hands in mine and smiled at her.
"I will make you look like the most beautiful bride ever! I promise." I continued. She looked really beautiful blushing and smiling like that. Her smile is usually when she has an edge over the opponent or something, but this one was one of genuine happiness and gratitude for me.
"May I borrow her for a second?" Gaara interjected coolly with his usual formal tone and voice.
"Oh! Gaara! Ofcourse. I'm sorry. Excuse me." I excused myself and left the building.
Just when I opened the door, someone entered in while I was leaving. We crashed into each other and fell down in the hallway.
"I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention. I just was busy with the wedding preparations in my hea-" I said panicking.
"Hey! Calm down. Breathe" he said with a really bland voice.
I took a few deep breaths and calmed down and smiled at him.
"I'm Shikamaru Nara, main-"
"Advisor of Fourth Shinobi War hero and current Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto?" I gasped.
"You are getting married to Temari-san!" I squealed.
"I guess, people know me here now." He smiled a little.
"Yes! Oh my god! You are very popular!"  I started gossiping with him about how Temari-san is known to be immune to love.
"Popularity, huh? That's troublesome!" He laughed. "See you around!" He waved and left for Temari-san.
"Ofcourse!" I waved back and was on my way back to my shop.
I was dancing on my way out. I had my dream assignment. The Kazekage's elder sister is going to wear a bridal gown designed and made by me! I was twirling around the compound in a bridal manner with me eyes closed to imagine how I wanted her gown to be.
"Not too fluffy... Good figure... Mermaid... Sleeveless... Offshoulder... Rhinestones..." I muttered to myself as I walked around the compound.
"Hey! Designer!" Someone called out to me and I turned around. "You've been summoned!" They said.
"Already?" I thought and I walked towards back to the room I came from.
"Temari-san? You summoned me?" I asked peeking in to the room to find the adorable couple sharing a few sweet moments.
"O-Oh! Yes!" She stuttered but instantly called again. "I saw you dancing in the compound and figured you already have a design in mind. We can't hold the wedding unless we have a dress. The venue, food, gifts is done and the decorations will be done a few days before the wedding. Now, we don't only need you to get me a bridal gown, but get him a suit, one for Gaara, one for Kankuro, a bridesmaid gown, an extra simple gown just for emergency, and if it's not too much work please come up with a dress code for the rest of the people who would be working/helping, giving speeches and organising at the event.
"I don't exactly mind, Temari-san, but I won't be able to do this alone within the time period" I told her, a little startled.
"Don't worry! We've got you covered there. We have selected some artisans for you and you can handpick your team from amongst those." She said.
"Thank you!" I exclaimed, my eyes gleamed with excitement and a new energy rushed into my mind.
"So, when can I start working and about the payment?" I hesitantly asked.
"We'll pay you 50% of the entire amount in advanced, so you can get started at the earliest!" Shikamaru-san said smiling at me.
They probably thought of me as a kid in a candy shop. My head was going to burst in excitement. I punched myself because I thought it was a dream, but it wasn't and now, I realized, I was scaring them for a bit.
"I'm sorry. It's just that I have been running a small clothes shop and original designs for years and now, suddenly, I got the opportunity to make dresses and suits for the most important woman of the village. I just still think it's all a dream" I explained, my smile overlapped with tears.
"Oi oi" Shikamaru-san said as he saw me get emotional.
I controlled myself, asked her where were the people, excused myself and rushed over so I could start working as soon as I could.
"After all, only a month to the wedding."

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