Covering More Stuff That I Did't Get To Cover Last Time (old)

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Ok so, I think it was in my last real chapter (?) that I presented a couple new ideas that I didn't really get to go over well, so I'll cover them before I fall out of fandom again.

This is going to be long. Sorry.

1. How did they come to life?

In the original games, it's pretty clear that the puppet from FNAF 2 'revived' all of the dead children after they were slaughtered. So that asks the question, how did your animatronics come to life? In the scene where the puppet fuses with a dying girl, they then witness the murders and bring the children back to life in the Fazbear suits. This makes it seem like there really isn't anything special about the puppet that gave them the power to bring the others back to life besides a very advanced robot and a child's desire to "protect others", but there's already probably a video on youtube proving me wrong.

2. What year/country is it based in?

This could actually help a lot with the world building part of creating a game. If the year is set in 1982 (right before the bite of '83), then modern technology like smartphones, laptops and modern computer systems won't fit well into the world you've built. This is the same in the opposite situation, if it's 2020 then nobody would be using Nokia/flip phones or the type of computer you see in FNaF 1 unless, you have a reason. For example, the night guard you play as during the game might come from a poorer family, passing down old phones to the next generation. Another would be to gain an idea of how the establishment you're working in. The computer being outdated could be showing the place as being run poorly, barley updating its technology. Don't go over bored with this idea however, the world will become unbelievable if you fill it with old technology but unrealistic and bland if it was just completely wiped from existence.

Countries are really important too. Let's say, Fazbear entertainment could be expanding to other places and cultures by pandering to its new, desired audience. Perhaps they want to expand into China (like all of the other big business right now). That leaves you mountains of ideas and styles to chose from. It could be based on Chinese folklore or native animals, not to mention the menu would be different. American and Chinese food combined could have some interesting or disgusting results.

This also works if you want to have your restaurant be independent of the Fazbear brand. Maybe a competitor? A stand alone family business? Or you just have it set in an entirely different universe where Freddy's doesn't even exist.

3. Where does it fit into the timeline?

In the FNaF universe, the timeline is a pretty important thing. It's sparked many a debate on reddit or a theory on youtube when trying to place certain events of the FNaF games into a clear timeline. Was FNaF 2 supposed to take place before or after the first? Who is in the Springtrap suit? Did games like Sister Location and FNaF 4 actually happen? Believe what you will, but I can guarantee someone arguing the exact opposite point somewhere on the internet. We're a fandom, it's what we do.

4. Who is your purple guy?

This is an important question to ask whenever you are creating a FNaF game. The purple guy is arguably the most important part of the entire story. Those kids aren't going to kill themselves! (wait, that came out wrong) They aren't going to be horribly murdered by themselves!

You can have the same murderer for your game as the original (I'm not going to say any names here because I don't want to start any fights), or they could be different. It could be that the animatronics appearing in your game could have originality been stationed in one of the previous murder sites, have some dead kiddies stuffed into them and then shipped off for cheap to somewhere else by the company to avoid anymore incriminating evidence.

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