Part 2

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I was pulled out of my book by a loud snappy sound, everyone turned around to the back to see Allison Reynolds biting her nails. I saw out of the corner of my eye Bender's eyes go wide once Allison noticed us watching her.

"You keep eating your hand and you're not gonna have any for lunch," He remarked making me roll my eyes and smile at Allison, who nodded at me before glaring at everyone else.

"I've seen you before you know," Bender said as Allison spat some of her nails at him. I shook my head and turned around only to be interrupted once again

"Who do I think I am? Who are you? Who are you?" The nerd was asking himself quietly

"I am a walrus," he said, I snorted and started giggling at him as Bender looks at him in utter confusion. The nerd noticed the older guy looking at him so he smiled embarrassed and unhooked the pen from his bottom lip. They both go to take their jackets off at the same time and Bender stares at the kid who stops removing his jacket and instead pulls it back on pretending to be cold. Bender then takes his jacket off completely, still watching the younger kid.

"It's the shits huh?" The kid asked as Bender glared at him making him laugh uncomfortably. I look away from them both just as Bender crumples up his essay paper and throws it at Claire and Andrew who both ignore him, it misses and sails over Claire's head. Bender then starts singing loudly to himself

"Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah...nah, nah, nah...,"

"I can't believe this is really happening to me," I hear Claire say quietly to herself making Bender stop his singing.

"Oh shit! What're we s'posed to do if we hafta take a piss?"

"Please," Claire says sounding disgusted

"If you gotta go.." Bender trailed off and we heard him unzip his fly

"You gotta go," He finished

"Oh my god!" Claire says still using that disgusted tone of hers.

"Hey! You're not urinating in here man," Andrew piped up, glaring at Bender

"Don't talk! Don't talk! It makes it crawl back up," Bender says closing his eyes, I snorted out loud and covered my mouth to once again stop my laughter as they looked at me. Bender grinned to himself slightly

"You whip it out and you're dead before the first drop hits the floor," Bender gasped in mockery

"Your pretty sexy when you get angry...grrr," He then turned to the nerd

"Hey homeboy," The kid then points to himself with his pen

"Why don't you close the door and we'll get the prom queen and Fall over here impregnated," Claire turns to him and glares while I just shake my head at him seeing as I was used to those kinds of comments

"Hey!" Andrew yells at Bender who ignored him

"Hey!" He yelled again

"What?" Bender asked

"If I lose my temper you're totalled, man,"

"Totally?" Bender asked sarcastically

"Totally," Andrew said dead serious.

"Why don't you just shut up? Nobody here is interested," Claire said glaring at Bender.

"Really?" Andrew asked rolling his eyes


"Well hey sporto! What'd you do to get in here? Forget to wash your jockstrap?" Bender asked grinning,

"Uh, excuse me, fellas? I think we should just write our papers-" The nerd tried to speak, making me give him a sympathetic smile.

"Look just because you live in here doesn't give you the right to be a pain in the ass, so knock it off!" Andrew yelled. Bender mocked sadness

"It's a free country," He replied

"He's doing it to get a rise out of you! Just ignore him," I spoke up getting shocked looks from everyone else, except Bender who just smirked at me

"Sweets, you couldn't ignore me if you tried," I raised an eyebrows

"Oh yeah? Watch me," I replied bitterly before turning back to my book. I heard a small laugh come from the back of the room and I knew it belonged to Allison who I was sort of friends with.

" are you guys like boyfriend, girlfriend?" Bender asked going back to annoying the princess and the athlete who ignored him.

"Steady dates?" Bender asked

"Lo--vers?" He smirked

"Come on sporto, level with me. Do you slip her the hot..beef...injection?" Andrew and Claire both turn to him furiously

"Got to hell!" screams Claire

"Enough!" Andrew yells at the same time.

"Hey what's going on in there?!" we hear Vernon yell from his office

"Smug little pricks," We then hear him mutter.

"Charming, really," I scoff. 

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