Part 3

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"Scumbag," Andrew mutters to himself as Bender stands up and goes to sit on the railings.

" What do you say we close that door. We can't have any kind of party with Vernon checking us out every few seconds," He suggests. By this point I had closed my book and turned off my walkman, staring at the ceiling bored out of my mind.

"Well you know the door s'posed to stay open," The nerd says

"So what?" Bender asked

"So why don't you shut up! There's five other people in here you know," Andrew scoffs.

"God, you can count. See! I knew you had to be smart to be a...a wrestler," Bender replied

"Who the hell are you to judge anybody anyway?" Andrew defended

"Really," Claire agreed

" You know, don't even count. I mean if you disappear forever it wouldn't make any difference. You may as well not even exist at this school," I gasped quietly as Andrew said this knowing that it would upset Bender. I knew him better than anybody in here and that would have really struck him.

"Well...I'll just run out and join the wrestling team," Bender replied after a pause. Andrew and Claire look at each other and laugh

"Maybe the prep club too! Student council-"

"No they wouldn't take you," Andrew cut him off

"I'm hurt," Bender mocked

"You know why guys like you knock everything," Claire began

"Oh this should be stunning," I said watching the interactions, this made Bender smile a little before Claire opened her mouth again

"It's 'cause you're afraid,"

"Oh god! You ritches are so smart, that's exactly why I'm not heavy in activities," Bender replied

"You're a big coward," Claire glared.

"I'm in the math club," I heard the nerd speak up wanting to be included

"See you're afraid that they won't take you. You don't belong so you just have to dump all over it," Claire added, I scoffed having had enough of her bitchy attitude

" wouldn't have anything to do with you activities people being would it?" I glared at her

"Well, you wouldn't know...You don't even know any of us," Claire retorted turning to face me

"Well, I don't know any lepers either, but I'm not gonna run out and join one of their fucking clubs," I retaliated shutting her up which made Bender laugh loudly.

"Hey, let's watch the mouth huh?" Andrew says to me and I shrug.

"I'm in the physics club too," I hear the nerd pipe up. I turn to him confused

"What are you babbling on about?" Bender asks

" Well, what I said was...I'm in the math club, the Latin club and the physics club...physics club," The nerd repeated and Bender nodded before turning back to Claire

" you belong to the physics club?"

"That's an academic club," Claire shakes her head

"So?" Bender asks

"So...academic clubs aren't the same as other kinds of clubs," Claire replied

"Oh but to dorks like him," Bender said pointing to the nerd

"They are. What do you guys do in your club?" He asked

"In physics, um, we ah, we talk about physics...about properties of physics,"

"So it's sorta social...demented and sad, but social. Right?"

" Yeah, well, I guess you could consider it a social situation. I mean there are other children in my club and uh, at the end of the year we have, um, you know, a big banquet, at the, uh, at the Hilton," The nerd replied.

"You load up, you party," Bender nodded his head

"Well, no, we get dressed up...I mean, but, we don't...we don't get high," The nerd said quietly

"Only burners like you get high," Claire snipped at Bender making me glare at her.

"And, uh, I didn't have any shoes. So I had to borrow my dad's. It was kinda weird 'cause my mom doesn't like me to wear other people's shoes. And, uh, my cousin cousin Kendall from, uh, Indiana... He got high once and you know, he started eating like really weird foods. And uh, and then he just felt like he didn't belong anywhere. You know, kinda like, you know "Twilight Zone" kinda," Claire laughs at the nerd

"Sounds like you," She said to Bender.

"Look, you guys keep up your talking and Vernon's gonna come right in here...I got a meet this Saturday and I'm not gonna miss it on account of you boneheads," Andrew shook his head angrily.

"Oh and wouldn't that be a bite," Bender said letting out a fake moan of agony.

"Missing a whole wrestling meet!"

"Well, you wouldn't know anything about it! You never competed in your whole life!" Andrew replied angrily

"Oh, I know...I feel all empty inside because of it. I have such a deep admiration for guys that roll around on the floor with other guys!" Bender replied making me giggle

"'d never miss it. You don't have any goals," Andrew said

"Oh but I do!" Bender shook his head

"Yeah?" Andrew asked

"I wanna be just--like--you! I figure all I need's a lobotomy and some tights!"

"You wear tights?" The nerd asked

"No, I do not wear tights. I wear the required uniform," Andrew denied.

"Tights," I replied with a grin

"Shut up!" Andrew glared at me as Bender laughed. We suddenly hear Vernon moving around in his office so Bender quickly jumps off the railing and slides in between Claire and Andrew, pretending to act all innocent. Once Vernon was back in his office, Bender laughed and got back up and started walking towards the double doors that made up the library entrance.

"You know there's not s'posed to be any monkey business!" The nerd called out. Bender then turned to the nerd and put on a fake stern voice and face

"Young man, have you finished your paper?" He asked before cautiously turning back around towards the doors and removing a screw.

"What're you going to do?" Claire asked harshly

"Drop dead I hope," Andrew remarked, I threw a paper ball at his head and glared at him. He looked at me and slowly turned back around when he saw my murderous expression.

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